Giant Problems (Part 3)

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Adam's eyes went from widened to comically round with several emotions; he didn't know what to think, he didn't know what to feel.

"A-Adam?" The giant laid forward, keeping a respectful distance from the human. "Y-you remember me right? Ty; your-your best friend?" Adam remained immobile, stiller than a statue. How was it possible that his best friend had become a giant!? "Uh..." Ty looked a little worried, sitting back up and making Adam twitch in fear. "Er, sorry," He mumbled, gazing down at the fragile human. "Are-are you ok... Adam?" Adam still didn't answer. He didn't know how to; he still didn't understand. His best friend was now a creature that ate humans? Adam finally came out of his shock enough to take a step back, his breathing quickening again.

Ty's eyes softened in sympathy, scooting back. "R-right," He sighed shakily. "You've been running away from giants for god knows how long, learning to fear them, and here I am... but-but I'm not-I don't-" He sighed heavily, putting his hands behind his head. He looked lost in thought for a moment,
and Adam swallowed heavily in anxiety before daring closer a few steps. His giant old friend's red eyes glanced over at him, but he made no move, as if nervous about scaring his tiny friend off. Then he slowly let his arms drop, and sat back on his hands, sighing. "Y-you probably have questions, right?" He asked quietly, fixing Adam with his gaze. "Or-or something... just-just please-" He swallowed and closed his eyes, rubbing the side of his face with his hand. "Just say something," He pleaded desperately.

Adam was still mute, his head still spinning. He had questions, definitely, but he was still numb with mixed emotions. He blinked hard, as if to try and wake up from this nightmare, and find himself back at home, where everything so achingly familiar was.

"H... h-ow..." He finally croaked, his voice breaking. He shied a bit from his expectant friend, then coughed to the side to clear his throat. "How-how did-did you...?"

"... become a giant?" Ty finished softly. Adam nodded mutely, avoiding his old buddy's eyes. Ty sighed quietly and stretched a little.

"To be honest... I'm not sure. I mean, I-Ian said something about a certain dominant gene that had been dormant since the Mesozoic era or something, but-"

"I-Ian?" Adam managed a shy glance, only to look away again. The red eyes were unsettling him... "H-him too?" He squeaked. Ty nodded.

"Mm-hmm... I don't know about the others though, but I think Jason and Martin Changed too," He answered quietly. Then he sighed again. "Look, I-I know it's really hard, but... can-can you please look at me?" Adam firmly shook his head, sniffling quietly.

"I-I can't." His voice cracked again. "I-I just-I..." He was still until he noticed Ty reaching over to him, and he instinctively retreated a few meters, earning a hurt and yet understanding look from his friend.

"Right... s-sorry." Ty pulled back, taking a deep breath. Adam stared down, fascinated with his shoes for a while before speaking up.

"... were you looking for me?" he asked in a soft tone. Ty tilted his head a little, then nodded.

"... yeah," He confirmed. Adam sucked in a deep breath of air as he continued. "I hadn't seen you as a giant, so I was looking for you until giants thought humans had gone extinct." He lifted his hand up and slowly curled it into a fist, as if imagining himself strangling the creator of his odd fate. "I clung to the hope that-that you were out there, somewhere... and I had wished that you were still normal... and then I heard something about a pet store getting a new animal, so I went in, and..." He swallowed, looking back over at Adam. "I had hoped desperately that it was you, that you would recognize me, but you never showed your face. You kept hidden, in the shadows or-or out of sight. You were being clever, doing what you thought you had to do; survive." Adam stayed silent, still looking down at the carpet. Then he slowly looked up, this time not flinching back or anything.

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