A Giant Problem (Part 1)

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In 2146, an apocalypse had happened, one that almost wiped out the human race.

All 7 billion humans had been minding their own business when one day, gargantuan human-like creatures burst out of the forests, consuming every human they could get their hands on. Some had been fortunate, escaping before they be victimized, while several billions were mercilessly slaughtered like livestock, countless lives lost. It was a horrible tragedy.

That was only a few weeks ago. Now, no one knows how many humans are still alive, perhaps they're extinct they'd say.

Only one is accounted for.

The forest, located in Washington state, was quiet, not even much of a breeze stirring. The trees had grown much larger than back in 2016, whereas the trees were human size. Now they had adapted to adjust to the giants, who used the trees as lumber. In fact, they were a lot like humans, except they considered their lower cousins a disgrace... and a rare delicacy.

A sudden movement stirred, and a figure peeked out of the roots of a giant bush. The light brown golden eyes warily scanned their environment, noting with distaste once again at how everything in the once familiar forest had grown significantly. Then the figure, once deciding it was safe, crawled out of the shelter the roots provided, getting up and dusting himself off. The human sighed and stretched, trying to rid himself of the stiffness in his joints and his sore muscles.

'Well, another day another round of struggling for life,' Adam thought with disdain. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, still missing his bed that he used to have before the whole ordeal with giants had happened. He had a decent amount of money, a life he loved, pets, friends... but now those were all gone. He was alone.

Adam glanced over his shoulder before taking off, running across the forest floor and past a few redwood trees. He noticed one had a crack in it, and he paused before circling back. He clambered onto the roots, scoping it out. To his interest, it expanded on the inside to the size of a large living room, and he cautiously stepped inside. 'This is a good shelter,' Adam admitted to himself, doing a slow but full 360 as he turned on his heel and looked around. 'Better than those roots, for sure.' He hesitantly headed back out into the perilous wild. 'I still need to gather food,' he reminded himself, pulling his jacket on more tightly. He took a deep breath before breaking into a jog, venturing deeper into the forest. He kept his footsteps light, fearful of leaving any tracks or attracting a wild animal.

Did I mention other creatures had come to be as well? Things like gryphons and better evolved wolves?

No? Well then grab a seatbelt and strap in lol

It was after a few hours of exhaustive moving before the human finally peeked out from behind a large tree root, his eyes immediately focusing on a large blueberry. His mouth watered as his stomach growled, and a sickening sadness reminded him that he hadn't eaten in quite a while. Ever since the apocalypse, he had lost a considerable amount of weight, making him practically nothing but skin and bones.

Adam stealthily crawled onto the root and ventured forward, his eyes darting left and right as he remained flat, feeling his ribcage press against the wood as he breathed quietly. He slowly closed in on the berry, then leapt forward, snagging it off of the bush and plummeting with it to the ground. It only bounced a little, being a little smaller than Adam, but Adam was still content with his find. He started rolling it a few feet, then managed to pick it up and start heading back home. He was almost there when he heard a scuffling noise, a slap of grass.

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