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"Ty? Tyyyyyyyy....." Adam whined, dragging out his friend's name as he tugged on a lock of the human's bangs. Ty stirred with a sleepy groan and opened one eye.

"Whaaat?" He moaned, closing his eyes and shifting. Adam easily hopped up onto his shoulder, leaning right beside his ear.

"It's snowing!" He nudged his friend again, making him groan again and turn over. He yelped and fell onto the bed, emerging from a pile of the blanket's folds with a pouting expression. "I am not leaving until you say yes." He asserted, folding his arms over his chest as Ty opened his eyes and rested his chin on the bed to face the borrower. "You know how annoying I can be." He challenged. Ty  sighed and sat up.

"Oh God no, please spare me of your insanity." He joked, climbing off of the bed to go into his closet. He had already known Adam would nag him to see the snow, so all he really had to do was slip on a dark grey hoodie before walking back out to see Adam hopping around excitedly. He chuckled at the display of eagerness, and he crouched down beside the bed to face his little friend, who already had his jacket on.

"Alright ya ready?" He asked, meaning for it to be rhetorical as he placed his hand flat on the bed. Adam immediately hopped onto it, looking ready to burst with excitement as Ty carried him out of his room. He set him in his chest pocket before opening the front door, shivering a little as he went outside. As much as he liked winter, give him a warm Arizona day any time rather than a Seattle Winter.

He was aware of Adam peeking his head out and staring at the white winter weather.

"Wow!" He squeaked, jumping out of Ty's pocket and landing in a pile of snow. Ty laughed as the curious Borrower's head popped out of the white powdery crystals, shaking himself. "Brr!" He chattered as Ty crouched down.

"Is it cold?" He asked.


"Good!" With that, he took some of the snow and crushed it over Adam's head, putting small flakes of snow in his rich-brown curls as he yelped in surprise.

"Hey!" He barked, grinning as he made a small snowball and chucked it at Ty, who yelped and dodged.

"Yush?" He asked in an innocent way, making Adam giggle as he squirmed out of the dune of snow. He frolicked about for a little bit, Ty keeping and eye on him while he played in the frosty snow.

They were outside for a good long while before Ty noticed how Adam had started shivering, so he said gently, "Alright I think that's enough for today."

"Oh k-kay..." Adam chattered, not arguing for once as he clambered up onto Ty's thigh to snuggle against him for warmth. He contently hugged the borrower, staying still for a few minutes until he felt Adam not quivering as badly. Then he gently scooped him up and cradled him to his chest as he walked back indoors.

Ty stifled a yawn from his early awakening as he wrapped his jacket around his cold friend, sitting down on the couch and leaned back against the back of it, allowing Adam to lean against him.

"Brr..." Adam squeaked softly, vibrating and pressing against the human. Ty smiled and hugged him.

"You wanted to go outside." He gently pointed out.

"Yeah, but for some reason I can never get used to the cold!" Ty took his jacket off and dropped it down at his feet, revealing his vulnerable friend.

"I'll get the fire started," he assured Adam, gently picking him up long enough to settle him down in his jacket. He went to the fireplace that was right in front of him and turned on the gas, sparking a small flame before the long-lasting logs caught fire. Grinning, he turned back to pick up his jacket and Adam along with it, and sit down right next to the fireplace, hugging his little friend to his chest.

"Hmm... It's toasty..." Adam mumbled drowsily, wriggling under Ty's arms. The human chuckled as the borrower submerged himself deep within his embrace, and he gently hugged his friend a little tighter. Adam even almost drifted off a little when Ty asked quietly, "Hey Adam?"

"Wha?" He replied, stifling a yawn as he shifted his way back up to meet Ty's gaze. Ty smiled at him before gently ruffling the Borrower's hair.

"... You want hot cocoa?"

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