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A new house owner had just moved into Adam's home, which saddened him. He had been living alone for a few years, and that time had been prosperous. But now, he knew nothing about this new guy, except for his appearance of course. What was so bad about this person moving in?

Adam was a borrower; enough said.

He was now sleeping peacefully under the bed, where the human usually slept when he heard footsteps, and he stirred awake to see the human walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He shook his head to himself. 'This guy is so weird,' he thought to himself. He waited a couple of hours for the human to come back to sleep so he could sleep, but there was nothing. Grumbling to himself, Adam pulled himself up to his feet and exhaustedly stumbled to the edge of the shadows, rubbing his eyes. What on earth was wrong with this human?

He was careful in his journey to the kitchen, staying to the shadows in case the human came back. However, when he turned the corner, he was so shocked that he lost all caution and just stood there in fear.

What was wrong with this human, he was a tad less human than Adam had thought. His eyes were glowing a maroon in the darkness.

Adam stared at the predator before shuddering and ducking away again, breaking into a cold sweat as he scuttled back to his hiding place. He was gonna be having a difficult life. Goodbye easy life.


A week. An entire week since Adam had discovered what his house owner was. A week since Adam had last eaten or drank anything, leaving the poor borrower terrified, desperate, parched and famished.

He cautiously peeked out one night to see that the predator was asleep on his bed, and he took a deep breath before running out of the room, making a beeline for the kitchen. He stumbled over to the pantry, breathing heavily already from lack of energy as he tried to open the cabinet. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get it open, due to how weak and hungry he was. He whimpered and sat down on the floor, wringing his hands as he tried to figure a way out to open the gateway to his source of food when a husky voice cut through the silence.

"Need some help?" Hot and cold bolts of fear hit Adam, and he froze in terror as a giant hand reached over him, casually opening the pantry that he had struggled to get open. He shuddered a little, staying still as the drowsy voice yawned. He shuddered again and finally turned around, looking up with wide eyes at the predator while shaking violently.

"... P-pl... P-please d-d-don't..." He tried to squeak, but all that came out was a whine. He whimpered as the predator reached down and picked him up by his waist, and he shivered as he realized how pathetically thin he was. The predator held him to his chest and reached into the pantry, pulling out a loaf of bread. Adam's mouth watered, and he perked up as his fear was replaced with hunger. He watched in impatience as the predator pulled out a slice of bread and broke off a piece before holding it up to the borrower, who snatched it from behind the fingers that held him and immediately gorged on it, quivering with hunger. After he finished that piece, the predator held another up, and Adam took it without hesitation. He ate another piece before he was full, and he yawned as the predator put the bread up, still holding Adam to his thorax.

Adam was calm at first until the predator's stomach growled, snapping him back into reality and making him whimper.

"It's ok..." The predator soothed, coddling the borrower. "It's ok." Adam shivered and pressed against the predator's chest, burying his face in the larger creature's white shirt and vibrating with fear.

Then he caved. He felt like fear was being stabbed into his heart as his ragged breathing intensified, and he scrabbled to try to pull himself out of the predator's gentle grip. He was easily cut off, and he whimpered again, shivering as he remembered how thirsty he was. He hesitated before straining again, only in a less forceful way directed toward the refrigerator, and the predator frowned in confusion. He strained once more, and this time the predator let him slip away. He landed on the floor and scampered over to the fridge, pawing the base of it and looking up at where he had seen water come from.

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