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(hey look everybody, a one-shot that has no reason for existence other than random fluff!)

"Ty!? Ty!" Adam yelled, sounding irritated. Ty stirred awake and opened one eye, not realizing that he was laying on top of his tiny friend.

"Mmm?" He yawned, still ignorant until Adam squirmed under the weight of his chest. "Oh! Sorry." He apologized sheepishly, sitting up. Adam sat up, shaking his head to fix his bangs before glaring up at the brunette.

"You don't have to squish me, I'm only an inch tall!" He complained. "No need to rub it in, intentionally or not!"

"Sorry..." Ty mumbled apologetically. "But at least it's not like I'm actually squishing you." Adam sighed tiredly, hesitantly nodding and rubbing his eyes.

"Mmhmm..." He yawned. Then shyly added, "C-can I sleep c-closer?"

"Closer? You mean Closer-than-a-foot-away-from-me-normally-by-sleeping-on-my-chest-instead-of-getting-smothered-again closer?" Ty asked. Adam timidly nodded, looking sheepish.

"Y-yeah..." Ty sighed.

"Well alright then." He gave in. Adam smiled before inching over to his larger friend and snuggling against his index finger.

"Thank you." He murmured happily, hugging his finger. Ty laughed softly, lifting his hand up along with the borrower.

"Just don't get too clingy," he joked. Adam laughed as Ty laid back down on his side, settling the borrower down in the curve of his figure. Adam contently pressed himself against his friend's lower chest, sighing contently while Ty grabbed his blanket and pulled it over him enough to keep the little borrower warm. Ty felt him snuggle against his rib cage, allowing the predator to feel his smaller friend's body heat. The feeling made Ty purr a little, wrapping his arms around the diminutive creature to hug him to his chest before falling asleep.


When Ty woke up again, it was to a clap of thunder, followed by Adam's small yelp. He started awake, instinctively hugging the borrower that quivered on his chest and murmured soothing words. He started purring softly, rubbing his back and cradling him as he sat up, leaning over Adam to reassure him.

"It's ok, it's just thunder. It's not gonna hurt you..." He cooed softly. Adam shivered, pressing against the predator for assurance.

"Yeah, I-I know but-but you rem-I-it reminds me of what happened wh-when..." He trailed off, leaving Ty to frown in sympathy and coddle the borrower.

"It's ok..." He soothed. "It's not gonna happen with us. I'm never going to leave you."

"P-promise?" He smiled softly, hugging Adam.

"I promise... Now get some sleep alright? You've been sleeping bad enough." Adam yawned and nuzzled Ty, murmuring incoherently and snuggling in his larger friend's embrace.

"Ok..." He replied in a small voice, resting his head against Ty's chest as he closed his eyes. Within a few minutes, he was fast asleep. Ty chuckled softly, petting his friend's head with gentle strokes before hugging him again to keep his little friend warm.

He then laid back down, sighing softly as he rested his hand over Adam, who shifted a little before gripping Ty's shirt. He chuckled at the reaction, then laid his head back and sighed again, staring up at the ceiling. His mind was going back to when he first met Adam as he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.

"What do you mean I have no credit!?" Ty snapped, moving his phone to his right ear. "I'm pretty sure I-" Then he sighed. "Yeah, ok. Yeah, I'll do that. Ok bye." He turned off his phone and stared at it, then growled and set it down hard on the table.

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