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"I feel like Biology's gonna be different today," Ty grumbled as he and Martin walked side by side to their class.

"Same!" The Bulgarian laughed. "Especially since we have a substitute teacher!"

"Whoa whoa, we do?"

"Yeah, maybe if you get those headphones off you could hear better," Bodil joked, yanking the wires to move the headphones down around the Arizonian's neck. "IT'S FRIDAY."

"Hey!" He protested, playfully swatting his friend's hand away. He only gave out an addictive laugh.

"C'mon Ty at least pay attention in class!" He whined. "Just because you have a 100 in the gradebook doesn't mean you have to show it off!"

"Ok class, get in your seats!" Their substitute-- Professor Gleeon-- chirped cheerfully as the bell rang. Ty and Martin went to their assigned seats, Ty's being right in front of the teacher's desk while Martin's was in the back, all of the students scuttled to their spots, and the professor lifted his arms up a little. "... Well, I'm not your Biology teacher, but since my students' studies is an independent thing, I agreed to sub today!" The students murmured amongst each other with interest as the Wattpad Professor clapped his hands together. "Now, he wanted me to show you something very exciting...!" He trailed off in his overly excited tone, searching amongst his desk before holding up a jar with something in it. "Ha! Yes this!" Remembering what Martin had said, Ty gave the jar a dubious glance, then did a double take as his eyes widened in surprise.

In the jar was a small human-like creature, that had its hands pressed against the glass and was glancing around. And the weirdest thing was that it looked... Scared. As if it actually had intelligence.

"Fascinating isn't it?" Gleeon commented as the girl students went "Aww!" And "Ooo!" Most of the male students looked bored, like they wanted to poke the poor thing to death and then stomp on it-- save for two certain males, Martin that said loudly in a Bulgarian voice with a violent giggle, "I WANNA PET IT." And Ty, who was staring transfixed at the thing. It had shaggy light brown hair, golden eyes that matched its golden-tanned overall color (skin?), grey and black clothing, even red and white shoes to go with it. It was like a mini person, a small diminutive but ordinary guy.

"I think it's harmless... Let's see shall we?" As the professor unscrewed the lid, the curious creature flinched and cowered at the incoming hand, and as it was picked up obviously against its will, its eyes met Ty's.

Ty felt like he had gone numb, seeing the emotions that were flashing in the small thing's eyes. Mainly fear was the number one factor, but there was pain, desperation, and more, as well as yearning. They only stared for what was really one second, but felt like years to Ty as the creature was lifted out of its confinements.

"Sir?" One girl called out snapping Ty out of bewildered daze. "What exactly is that?"

"Now I believe your teacher called it..." The professor had trailed off to glanced down at a paper before continuing. "... A borrower." More awed comments came, and that was when the borrower acted, squirming out of Professor Gleeon's grip and darting away. The adult tried to lunge for the little creature, but it neatly avoided his hands, jumping off of the desk and landing on Ty's, colliding with his hand. Surprised, he stayed frozen and stared down taken aback as the human-like creature ducked behind his hand and out of the teacher's view, meeping softly like a lost puppy and hugging his finger. The students were mumbling things like, "Not fair... He gets to touch it... He is the best in this class but still..." His cheeks reddened in embarrassment as Gleeon held his hands up in a placate gesture, signaling for everyone to stay calm.

"Seems to have taken a liking to you Mr. Ellis." He felt the borrower shiver and hug his thumb tightly, as if silently pleading, ' Don't let him take me away! ' "Ah, well perhaps we'll just leave it there than. I'm sure your teacher would love it if you take care of it for him for the weekend." Before Ty could realize what was going on soon enough to protest, the substitute teacher eagerly hummed as he pulled down the screen for power points and such. "Now, let's have class!"

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