That Awkward Moment...

202 3 15

Before How to Catch a Spark

Song in the comment section (Shockline- Spring Break)

     "Is anyone else... I dunno, bored out of their mind!?" I asked, stretching across the hammock with a bored yawn. Jordan had invited us to his beach house in California since it was Summer, and unfortunately everyone except for me, Adam, Bodil, and Jason had to go to this YouTubers' convention, so it was just us and Jordan chilling out at his Summer Beach House. Well, the convention was located in Arizona, so Ty kinda had to go, and Adam had volunteered to stay with me. Of course, I was missing Ty like crazy though, so right now everything seemed so aburrido.

     "Can we please play something? Anything! Si'l vous plaîs!" I whined.

     "Umm, like what?" Jordan asked, safely in the shade. Bodil and Adam were wading in the ocean, and of course Bodil was trolling him by throwing water at him, so it was only me and Jason and Jordan at the moment.

     "Anything, Truth or Dare, Charli Charli, Spin the Bottle-" I started to list when Bodil ran out of the water and up to the Beach House, wearing only his black swim shorts.

     "NO STAY AWAY FROM ME ADAM." He yelled, running behind me and trying to hide as Adam came up, wearing not only his budder swim shorts but also his saturated white shirt.

     "Nu uh, you got my shirt wet!" He barked, laughing. I shifted my lying down position to look up at him.

     "Hey Adam we were thinking of playing a game, like Truth or Dare, Charli Charli, Spin the Bottle-"

     "Ooh! Seven Minutes in Heaven?" I whipped my head around to gape at Bodil.

     "Martin Petrov!" I yelped, using his real name for emphasis.

     "Yes?" He asked, giggling.

     "No. J-just no."

     "Well why not?"

     "Because one, I'm the only girl here, so that'd be weird." I noticed Jason blush hard behind his newspaper. "Two, I'm taken. And three, don't you have to uh...?"

     "No you don't, actually." Adam interrupted. "You can just talk to each other and gossip or trade secret for those seven minutes, you don't have to... make out."

     "Oh." I blinked a few times in surprise, then sighed. "All right fine Bodil."

     "Yay! I don't know why I'm happy though." He commented, laughing. I grinned. Let's hope nothing happens...

*****Le time skip of Spring/Summer Break! :D*****

     "Ok, so we've each put an item in this cowboy hat," Jordan started, shaking the black hat in his hands. "... and you pull out an item, and whoever it belongs to, you have to go into the spare room and be with each other for seven minutes. You can do anything to pass the time, like talk, kiss, gossip about Adam-"

     "Hey." Adam muttered sarcastically under his breath.

     "Ok then, ready?" I sighed and nodded, putting my hand in the hat and moving the items inside around for a minute, then I took a deep breath and grabbed an item.

     "Ok, I've got one." I closed my hands over it to keep it hidden from everyone's sight, including mine, and held it against my midriff. "All right, now before I see what it is, you have to tell me what item belongs to who." I stated.

     "... My red and black sunglasses." Jordan first spoke up.

     "I put a Jeffery plush in there." Jason responded.

     "I put my black sunglasses in to keep Jordan's from standing out too much." Bodil answered.

     "... I sincerely hope you can guess what I put in." Adam mumbled. I scoffed.

     "Real gold?" He gave out an exaggerated gasp.

     "How dare you say the g-word!?" I laughed.

     "All right all right. But I don't think I have glasses..." I opened my hands up to show the item. It was small plush budder sword.

     "Aw!" Bodil whined. Jason elbowed him in the ribs.

     "Hey, forgetting you have Hailey?" He elbowed him back.

     "Of course not! I've just never played this before!" In the mean time, Jordan shoved me and Adam into the next room, which had only had a closed and locked window with the drapes shut and the one door.

     "Have fun you two." He evilly smiled at us both before shutting and locking the door behind him. Me and Adam stared at each other for a moment before he finally popped a question.

     "If we go out the window, do you think we'll stand a chance?" I chuckled.

     "I dunno. They might have video cameras around here." I replied, looking around in fake suspicion. He lightly laughed, not as loudly as he mostly did, but quieter and more modest.

     "Ah, you never know." I gave out a nervous chuckle before we both fell silent again. I kept shuffling my feet at the lapsed silence when Adam spoke up again. "You know, they're not gonna let us out unless we're uh, kissing..." I looked up to see him blushing.

     "How do you know?" I questioned. He gave me a sheepish grin.

     "Because that's what I would have done if I weren't picked." I tilted my head.


     "Yeah, and plus, Bodil is a troller, so if you think about it..." He was talking quickly, blushing a little too. I finally came up to him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

     "Adam, do you... do you like me?" I asked, surprised. He blushed harder and looked down at his feet.

     "W-well uh, no i-it's more like a crush..." He stopped and looked back up at me before he leaned forward and kissed me. Surprised, I didn't move as he wrapped me into a hug, one hand on my back and the other on my nape. Then I hesitantly kissed him back, but I didn't feel anything. No deep emotion or sparks. Then the door was abruptly thrown open.

     "All right, it's been seven minutes!" We both broke away from the kiss, and I noticed that Adam was smirking at me.

     "... What?" I asked.

     "I got you to think I have a crush on you now didn't I?" I let my jaw drop.

     "You were lying to me so we could get out of this mess!?" I asked. He tilted his head.

     "Uh, yeah?" He replied. "No offense, but I don't like you that way, besides, I'm with Alesa, remember?" I offered my hand out to him, and he hesitantly shook it.

     "Well played sir." I grinned. "Well played... can we not mention this to anyone?"

     "God dangit!" Bodil exclaimed. "I was gonna tell Deadlox about this!" I quickly brushed past Jordan and chased after the Bulgarian, who slid down the rails and slammed the front door shut behind him, getting away. "AAAHHH!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, laughing as I opened the door and hared after him.

     "Se vŭrnem tuk!"


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