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Supernatural Blood, like if Samantha met one of the guys In a different way

Cold. That's all I could think about. My teeth continued to chatter as I tried to plow through the thick white powdery snow, letting out a weak sneeze and hugging myself tightly. I had lost feeling in my legs and hands, and it'd been a bad idea for me to not make a sweater or something before the sleet and snow storm hit.

I continued to walk, making it a few milliliters at a time, shaking so much that I could barely walk in a straight line. Where am I even going? Am I just walking blindly in a blizzard, waiting for the cold to take over?

I spotted a huge house that had its lights on, looking enticing, inviting and most of all warm. I weakly dragged my dry tongue over my cold and chapped lips, and I made my way over to it. I managed to climb up the stairs after a few minutes, my breath coming in fast and shallow puffs of condensation. Then I lost my balance, tripped and fell into the snow, gasping weakly when the frost bit at my chilled cheeks. I'm going to die aren't I?

I fell into a partial doze, wanting to just give in, to just close my eyes and let go. But another part of me wanted my heart to keep beating, to continue to stare at the beautiful crystals that floated down from the sky,dancing about my vision. But I was so-so cold, I could no longer think. My mind was too sluggish to operate. I felt the snow gradually pile up, covering most of me, and I closed my eyes. Well... This is it... I guess... Goodbye... Cruel... Wor...l...

I heard a door open at what seemed distant, which made my eyes open, and I saw a figure step over me, walking down the stairs to recycle something... I think. At least it didn't step on me. I watched exhaustedly as the human came back, coming back up the stairs when a snowflake tickled my nose, and I let out a weak high -pitched sneeze. The person stopped and looked down, staring at me in surprise. I slowly blinked as the human squatted down, looking over me. I was too cold to even care that a human had found me. I weakly gasped when the human touched me, his index radiating warmth. The human male gently scooped me onto his hand, and I realized that I fit perfectly in his palm as he started standing up. I let my eyes close, and I barely sneezed, sounding like a tiny faint scoff.

The man brought me into the house and shut the door to keep the cold outside, and I could slowly start feeling my body. He carried me somewhere, then sat down, and I forced my eyes open, gasping in the warm air as my mind started catching up with what had happened.


 No no.


I struggled to sit up, only to fail and manage to tilt my head with a whimper.

"Shh shh shhh...." The human murmured softly, holding me against his chest. "It's ok... It's ok..." I breathed in the musky yet pleasant scent of his shirt, shuddering before slowly moving my arms a little and nestling into the folds of his v-neck t-shirt. "It's ok... You're safe now..." His voice seemed to rumble, sounding omniscient since I was close to his vocal cords. "You're out of the cold now..." He saved me, and yet I'm not even human... I registered, weakly curling my tail to try to hide it. Unfortunately, it'd been hurt from before, and I winced as I shifted it, which the human easily spotted.

"Are you hurt?" I weakly hissed at him when he picked up the tip of my tail with one finger, gently fingering it until he had parted the soft silky fur and saw my wound. I heard him take a sharp intake of breath. "Oh you poor thing..." He breathed. I had to get out of here. I don't know how, I just know that I gotta get away, before this human shows his true colors.

I tried to climb out of his hand, which he caught and easily curled his fingers to keep me marooned on his palm.

"Hey, you're injured, you can't even possibly think of leaving!" He exclaimed softly. I glared up at him, reading his dark brown eyes. To my surprise,there was no suspicion with in them, there was only calmness and concern. I hesitantly slid back down Into a sitting position, and he smiled.

"Now stay still..." He murmured, getting a better look at my tail. I kept my ears still, although they were already flattening at the pain I was put in. I was starting to shiver again, and I sneezed. He gave me a sympathetic glance, curling his hand into a loose fist before getting up and walking somewhere. A moment later, he opened his hand and gently pinched my waist with two fingers and set me down on a soft towel. I shook myself and sneezed again, and he softly chuckled.

"Hang on." He covered me with the towel, patting me down and gently rubbing the folds against me. After a few minutes, my clothes no longer clung to my skin, and he stopped. "There; that wasn't so bad now was it?" He asked quietly as I blinked owlishly at him. I let out another high-pitched sneeze, which made him softly grin again. He gently rested the back of his pinky against my forehead, which made me start in surprise.

"Sorry." He briefly apologized, pulling back. "But you definitely have a cold." Great. I'm sick, and my life is basically in the hands of a human. Just great. I tried to say something, but I sneezed again. He chuckled, saying "Bless you" before gently scooping me up in his hand again. I tried sitting up when he said, "Don't overwork yourself. Just relax." I found it hard to obey him, but I went ahead and hesitantly laid back on his palm, shivering again. He fiddled in a box with his free hand before grabbing some ointment and a band aid, which made me tense in apprehension.

"It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." He assured me, grabbing a cutip and dipping it in the medicine. I grunted as he started soldering the cut on my tail, then I relaxed, my ears twitching up a little. "That's it..." He encouraged, taking the band aid and gently patting it down over my tail. I swallowed nervously, ignoring the urge to purr when he started gently rubbing the top of my head and ears with the tip of his pinky finger. The urge overwhelmed me, and I started purring, closing my eyes and nuzzling the human's finger. He chuckled softly, then carried me back to the couch and sat down slowly. He cradled me against his thorax, and I immediately snuggled up against him, still quietly purring. I can't believe it, that I'm actually purring, and because of a human.

As I laid against the human, I realized that I could hear a faint thumping sound with each small movement of his chest. Surprise, I pressed against him, listening. It was his heartbeat.

It was so soothing, so relaxing. I quietly yawned and nuzzled the human, making him smile and pet the tips of my ears. I grabbed one small fold of his shirt and wrapped it around me, closing my eyes again at the blissful warmth. Then I gradually slipped into a peaceful sleep,for the first time being able to relax.

I guess you really can trust some humans.

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