Pool Accident

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"C'mon Ty, puhleeeeeaaaaasse???" Martin whined. Ty sighed and turned around in the chair, clicking his tongue.

"Why? I dun wanna go outside..." He complained. Martin glanced back at Alex and Simon, who stood behind him, and he looked back at their dissuaded friend.

"Pwease?" He begged in a childish tone. Ty looked back at his computer screen before sighing and flipping a book shut.

"... Give me five minutes." The three squealed in gratitude and hopped around excitedly before dashing off to get ready, and after ten minutes they were all outside already as Ty joined them. Martin giggled before he pushed Simon in the pool.

"AH BODIL WHY!?!?!??" He screeched, making the Bulgarian burst into a fit of giggles at his nickname, as Alex and Ty snickered.

"Alright I'm getting in before you-PUSH ME!!" Alex had started saying before being pushed into the water, and Ty chuckled.

"You were saying?" He teased as Martin jumped in. Ty eased himself into the water, and the four friends started to have fun. They messed around with each other, played random games, and even held a competition for who could hold their breath; turns out Simon won that, probably because he shouted a lot.

After a few hours, Alex finally got out.

"Hey Ty, you don't mind if we eat here right?" He asked, shaking himself free of water.

"Ah no go ahead." Ty was floating in the water, his eyes closed as Martin and Simon paddled to the edge of the pool.

"You gonna come in for a bit?" Alex continued as the other two went inside.

"I'll be there in a bit, just don't wreck my kitchen." Alex laughed before following the other two, leaving Ty to sigh peacefully as he stared up at the sky. 'Mm... It's a beautiful day.' He closed his eyes and relaxed,lightly treading the water as it gently lapped at his hair.

He stayed there for a few minutes when he suddenly heard a small scuffling sound, and he opened his eyes, seeing he was at the edge of the pool. There was something small crouched at the edge, which squeaked and scrambled back as soon as he saw it. Surprised, Ty sat up and edged back a little, turning around to see what it was.

It was a tiny... Human.

Ty's eyes rounded in surprise, and he stared at the tiny thing in disbelief. It was small, only about an inch tall, with brown curly hair and golden eyes, a slight tan, and a black jacket over a white shirt that matched with grey jeans, with red shoes to complete the outfit. But it was so... So tiny... So small...

Ty gazed at the small creature as it pressed against the hose nearby, looking frightened as it warbled a few quiet squeaks. He opened and closed his mouth before finally uttering a few words.

"... H-hey, i-it's ok," he stuttered, feeling guilty for scaring the little diminutive creature. He let himself sink down a little to appear less menacing as he slowly crept back over to the pool edge, seeing the small human-like creature cringe. "It's ok," he soothed, stopping. "I'm-I'm not gonna hurt you." He saw the little creature peek at him before squeaking and ducking away, making Ty frown in sympathy. It might have been hungry; he one time tamed a mouse by giving it cheese and crackers.

That was of course, before a stray cat caught it...

'Maybe it is hungry,' the human realized. He swam to the other edge of the pool to get something for the creature to eat, and he was about to pull himself out when he heard a yelp and a small splash. Surprised, Ty turned around to see the creature in the water, flailing and trying to swim. Alarm cut through him, and he quickly waded back over to the creature, seeing it go under. As soon as he was close enough, he thrust his hands down to catch the creature under water as it stilled, and he quickly brought it up above water.

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