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Supernatural Blood plot twister thingie again of fluff :3

Ty was not a morning person. He was one of those people that you wanted to let wake up in their own time, unless you wanted a pillow thrown at you. That was quite obvious to me, but one night I dared to be... Well, daring. Kinky? Never. Just, I guess some little way of showing affection for one of the guys.

That and Kay dared me to -_-.

I scampered by the partially closed door, already coming up with a cover story if he woke up and got angry or irritated. Just in case, ya know? As I approached the bed, I could hear Ty's gentle quiet snores, not making much noise. I almost blushed a little as I climbed up the end table, getting a good view of his peaceful face. Might I add that right now it was around midnight?

I took a deep breath, then sprinted forward and leaped off of the end table, landing with a neat yet quiet roll on the bed. I looked back at Ty. He was still asleep. Good. I crept over to his unconscious form, wary of everything going on. His breathing was slow, so that was good since that meant he was still out. As I almost approached his arm, he suddenly twitched, then shifted a little, which made me stand erect with full attention. As soon as he stilled, I cautiously climbed over his arm and approached his thorax.

Gosh he was so warm. I seemed to realize how cold I was, so I dared to edge a little closer. A little closer. A little more...

He suddenly stirred a little, which made me jump in surprise, lose my balance, and crash against his flank. I dared to not move as he seemed to tense a little before turning over, making a soft sleepy groaning noise before stilling, and I silently exhaled slowly in relief. I still had to do Kay's dare though. I was taking silent yet slightly shallow breaths as I approached the giant sleeping figure again. I hesitantly climbed onto his arm, which had his hand resting on his chest, and I climbed up before quickly getting off and onto his thorax, losing my balance a little. It wasn't my fault, I'm just not used to walking on skin yet.

I made my way up a little,some of the folds of Ty's shirt trolling me by almost making me trip, before I finally approached his collar bone. I ended up going on all fours so that my weight could be less noticeable, and I crawled all the way up to his neck, trembling in apprehension. What was the dare you ask? Going all the way to the crook of his neck and sleeping there.

I nervously stopped and curled up in the crook of his neck, almost gasping softly at how warm his skin was, and I ended up only taking a sharp intake of breath. My anxiety faded, and I nestled myself comfortably at where I lay before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


"Samantha... Samantha, wake up..."

"... Dun wanna, 'eave meh 'lone Kittin." I grumbled almost incoherently, shifting at being woken up. I heard a soft chuckle as my surroundings moved a little, and I was gently nudged on my back.

"Come on Samantha, you gotta wake up. It's already nine o'clock." I stirred a little bit as I started to realize that Kittin's voice wasn't that deep... Or that loud...

"Iths nein?" I tried to say, but yawned and ended up saying "No" in German. I heard a quiet snicker, and I was gently prodded again.

"Come on Samantha, don't you want breakfast? Pancakes, bacon, eggs, maybe pork..." My mouth watered as I turned over onto my side, opening and rubbing my eyes to wake up. Then I realized who was walking me up...

"So 'arm 'dough..." I protested, snuggling against Ty's neck. He chuckled again, a little bit more louder, and he gently pet my back, making me roll my shoulders in pleasantness.

"I know I'm a heavy sleeper Samantha, but I dunno about you." I glared tiredly at him.

"That's because I came to your room in the middle of the night." I growled, yawning again and curling myself up tighter

"You didn't have a bad dream or anything, did you?"

"... No." I admitted, yawning again before hesitantly sitting up. "Kay dared me to sleep with you since you're such a heavy sleeper." I wandered away from his shoulders a little bit before sitting down on his hand, turning back around so I could face him. He smiled at me.

"I'm not that heavy of a sleeper to not notice someone sneaking up to me." He replied. I yawned again and rested my chin on my propped arm.

"Sure whatev ya say... Chief...." I mumbled, my eyes threatening to close again. He turned his head to glance at his clock before turning back at me with a small grin.

"Well... I guess if you're ok with it, then you can go back to sleep." He suggested. I yawned and curled up on his hand, mumbling, "Great..." When he quietly laughed. "No not there, I meant back at where you were before." He lifted his hand and brought it up to his upper thorax, and I hesitantly slid off and walked up to him, not too far away from his Adam's apple.

"Fine fine... Fine... Fi..." I mumbled, wearily curling back up at where I had been and nestling around to get comfortable. Then I sighed quietly and mumbled, "I'm glad you're not mad at me..." He tilted his head a little in attempt to see me.

"Why would I be mad?" He questioned. I yawned and snuggled up against him a little more.

"Cuz... Usually you're one of those people... That dislike getting woken up..." He sighed inwardly, affectionately starting to pet my back, which made my ears twitch and my tail flick happily.

"No no no no... I wouldn't get mad at you... In fact, I almost wish you did this sooner, it's kinda nice." He admitted. My instincts were close to threatening to purr as I nuzzled him.

"Really?" He nodded slightly.

"Really, Samantha." I sighed happily, curling my tail a little before relaxing.

"Thank you... Ty...." He smiled and pet my head and ears.

"No problem." He murmured, and I peacefully fell back asleep on one of my best friends.

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