Happy Hug a Giant Day!

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Adam smirked as he clambered out of the covers, remembering what special day it was. He giggled to himself, knowing that his victim had no idea what day it was-- he'd be so shocked and so off guard that it would be priceless!

Adam peeked up at the large slender body of his giant friend immersed under the covers, which were rumpled and over the middle of his body, his feet poking out from under one side, and his bare shirtless chest and up splayed over the pillows. He was snoring softly, his hair disheveled and his bangs messily covering one eye, making Adam have to stifle another giggle as he ventured forth, excitement stirring his gait as he scampered over to the slumbering giant.

"Tyyyyyyyeee~" He called out sweetly, having to cover his mouth to stifle yet another laugh. Ty mumbled something under his breath and turned over, his back to Adam. Adam simply tittered and climbed up the covers, darting along his friend's warm arm. "Tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeee~...?"

"Mm..." Adam pouted playfully and nudged his friend on the chin.

"Come on Tyyy~ I have a huge surprise for you!" Then he huffed as he clambered onto the giant's cheek boldly, "I thought giants didn't sleep very well!" Ty finally opened one eye and drowsily gazed at his much smaller housemate. Then he yawned and shifted, careful to not jolt his tiny human friend off.

"... What is it?" He mumbled wearily. Adam reached up and tugged on a wild tuft of his bed head.

"I want to show you something!" He squeaked excitedly. Ty yawned again before finally starting to sit up, letting Adam swiftly clamber onto the top of his fluffy head before he fully sat up.

"What is it this time?" He yawned sleepily, lifting his arms and stretching. Adam didn't seem intimidated by the living skyscraper he was perched on, as he tugged again on his fluffy tuft of hair.

"It's a surprise!" He whined. Ty sighed quietly and slowly got up, reaching for his shirt and putting it on, careful to not throw Adam off of him.

"... Now where is this surprise?" He rumbled groggily.

"It's downstairs!" Adam squeaked.

"As long as it's near the coffee..." Ty mumbled to himself, heading downstairs. Jason was on the loveseat with his feet up on the coffee table, wearing socks over them along with his usual outfit, already sipping on a mug of coffee.

"Hey Ty! Sleep well?" Jason greeted. All he got in response was an indistinct mumble as Ty shuffled to the kitchen.

"Alright set me down there," Adam demanded. Completely confused, Ty didn't even bother to question his small human friend as he reached up to gently pinch the human's waist, and he lowered his friend down to the counter. "Now c'mere!" Adam squeaked, wriggling his fingers together up at Ty in a demanding but somehow cute way. Ty rolled his eyes and crouched down, resting his chin on the counter.

"... What?" He mumbled.

"No, a little lower..." Confused, Ty complied. "No wait! Right there!" Ty was now exactly eye level with Adam, his chin just an inch lower than the countertop.

"Adam what are you up to-" Ty cut off when Adam sprang forward, and the giant suddenly found himself being hugged on the nose by his human friend.

"Happy Hug a Giant Day!" Adam squealed, giggling. The giant's face expression was priceless.

"Whaaaa....????" Adam laughed and nuzzled Ty before stepping back to let Ty sit up and stare down at Adam with bewilderment.

"It's a custom!" Adam giggled. "Every July 21, it was just a game, but I've always wanted to do it for real ever since you let me stay here!"

"... Ohhhh...kay...?" Ty still looked befuddled, leaving Adam in a fit of giggles, bowling himself over and rolling on laughter. Jason came in and asked what was so funny, to which Ty slowly explained, still looking like he had been unexpectedly slapped by a ghost.

"Oh!" Jason laughed. "Humans are silly, don't worry about it. It's one of those funny traditions they do to those closest to them. It's just his way if showing affection." Adam was still giggling at Ty, in tears, and Ty rolled his eyes with a grin.

"Yeah, I can really feel the love tonight."

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