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Adam was pretty sure that Nature was snerking at him right now.

First, some guy had kidnapped him and pricked him with a needle, injecting him with a serum, and then he woke up to a whole new perspective as a one inch tall being. Then after a few days of managing to escape, he had been captured again. Now he was being shipped over to somewhere for... Some lab, for science? He didn't want to be an experiment, he was just a regular guy from Seattle!

He started in surprise when he felt the box he was in be picked up, and he flinched at the lid being taken off.

"Put him in that empty cage. He'll be perfect for Experiment #767." He yelled and struggled in protest when he was carelessly plucked up in a tight grip, and he almost lost his breath as he was carried somewhere and then tossed in a small glass cage-- well small for a normal-sized human.

He slowly sat up in the darkness of his new confinement with a groan, rubbing his arm and looking around frantically. He didn't like the dark. He never did, even when he was normal sized, and now he had an even greater reason to be scared of it.

"... They catch you too?" He jumped a little in fright, glancing around wildly.

"H-h-hello?" He squeaked.

"Eh... Hi?" He laughed nervously, still looking around in suspicion.

"Where-where are you?" The tiny human asked.

"Probably next to your prison cell... These are basically the size of Japanese hotel-rooms, eh? Hahaha."

"Yeah-ha..." He slowly huddled in to the corner, shivering.

"So what are you here for?"

"I uh... I-I got caught by-by someone..." Adam hesitantly answered.

"Mm, well I got caught too. I was just snoozing on a branch when they tried to contain me... Although trying to swallow one of those stupid guys sure didn't help." A shiver ran down Adam's spine,and he shuddered. What kind of creature was he even talking to that could eat humans? What chance would he possibly stand if he was at least 60x smaller than a person?

"Uh... W-well uh..." Adam trailed off, fidgeting a little.

"You ok? They didn't hurt you or anything did they? I mean they dislocated my arm, but I'm ok, I healed."

"Y... Yeah I'm-I'm ok just a little... Winded."

"Mm..." Then after a few minutes of silence, the mysterious person piped up again. "My name's Ty." Adam blinked a few times in surprise before quickly replying.

"I'm-I'm Adam." He stammered.


The two talked through a few hours, and they got to know each other, about their personalities.

Like Ty for example liked Chinese food. (duh X3)

Then some of the people that worked at the... Facility or whatever, came up to Adam's cage and unlocked it. He yelped when one hand reached in and pulled him out by the scruff of his shirt.

"Well good news Experiment #767, today's your meal day!" A fake cheery voice said as Adam was carried a few steps to his left, and then the employee opened another cage. "There you go little guy." He let out a small squeak of pain as he landed awkwardly on the cold hard floor, the cage door being closed behind him. Trembling, he sat up and crawled over to the cage door, peeking through the small window at the bottom of it.

Meal day? Who was Experiment #767?

He felt something suddenly lash out at him and wrap around him tightly, making him cry out in pain and even blackout for a few seconds. When he regained his senses, he found himself staring at a creature.

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