Nya, Back Off!

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Timeline Version: How to Save a Spark series

     "So Samantha, can I ask for your help?" I looked up from my book.

     "Yeah sure Ty, what's up?" I replied cheerfully.

     "You wanna help me move some boxes of stuff for some new students coming in? Felix asked me if I could help them, so I uh, I thought you might wanna...?"

     "Yeah of course, I help." I got up and left my book on the couch when Ty leaned forward and picked it up.

     "Really? How did you get Attack on Titans?" He asked.

     "It's Shingeki no Kyojin, actually, for your information." I scoffed, grabbing the manga out of his hands. He gave me a sad puppy look while I gave him a simpered grin.

     "Ok." He sighed, smiling as he grabbed my free hand. "Alright alright, let's go."  I gave him a thoughtful look, making it look like I was deciding something.

     "Are you sure?" He slowly pulled the book out of my hand and leaned forward, kissing me. I broke it off a few seconds later, smiling.

     "Alright, I'm persuaded." I admitted, hopping over to the door, right when Adam opened it and walked in.

     "Persuaded about what?" He asked. Ty rolled his eyes.

     "Do you ever knock?"

     "Nope." He chirped in a "matter of fact" way. I rolled my eyes and brushed past him.

     "Me and Ty are helping Felix's new students on moving in." I explained.

     "Aw, so it's like practice for when you two-"

     "ADAM." Ty interrupted loudly. "J-just-don't even bother finishing that sentence!" Adam threw him a cocky grin as Ty walked past Adam too, reaching my side.

     "Let's go before I get dragged into an argument." He pleaded to me. I smiled and nodded.


*******Le time skip of AOT*******

     "Come on Ty, keep up!" I waited at the top of the staircase as Ty came up, breathing heavily.

     "Haahh." He gasped, flicking his head to get his bangs out of his face. "Well that was fun."

      "Tell me about it." I replied sarcastically. "Maybe next time I'll bring my sarcasm sign." He chuckled and rapped on Felix's door.

     "I know, right?"

     "Come in!" We both went through the doorway, spotting Felix with his feet up on his desk.

     "Hallo!" He shouted enthusiastically, waving. "How's it goin'?"

      "Well, pretty good I guess, Felix." I answered cheerfully. "We're here for the student's stuff?"

      "Oh, yeah!" He waved his hand to the right as the boxes. "Go crazy."

     "Ok then." Ty picked up a large one, grunting as he wobbled a little.

     "Got it?" I asked, managing to not smirk. Apparently the humor was still in my eyes, because he grumbled, "Yeah of course, why wouldn't I?" I scoffed and picked up a box about the same size as his, easily picking it up. He stared at me for a minute.

     "Yours probably has lighter stuff." He pointed out. I scoffed.

     "You wish. You know what? Let's trade." We both set our boxes down, then traded places. I picked up the box almost as if it were empty, while Ty made a huffing noise until he managed to haul his new box up, shifting his arms around it to keep himself from dropping it. "Better?" I asked in a silky tone. He grunted in response, then abruptly dropped it with a bam!.

. . . . . . .

     ". . . Nope."

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