A Day of Many

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Adam let out a yelp of alarm as he ducked under a desk, hearing the predator try to catch him from behind. He glanced back to see his hostile bloodthirsty eyes, and his heart skipped a beat as he scampered into the shadows. He then tried to make a break for it, running under a chair before fleeing for under the bed. His leg was suddenly pinched, and he squeaked in alarm as he was lifted upside down up into the air, finding himself staring fearfully into slightly-glowing maroon eyes. He swallowed nervously, waiting for the creature's next move.

Then the predator grinned and started laughing.

"Gotchya." He rumbled, smiling. Adam laughed as his friend, Ty, gently set him back down on the floor, and there he began his jocular pouting.

"Aw, no fair!" He whined. "You always win because you can easily cover more distance than me, because I'm only an inch tall!" Ty smirked and gently prodded the borrower in his midsection with the back of his index, making Adam squawk in surprise and stumble back a step before shoving his finger away good-naturedly.

"Is that you're excuse this time?" The predator raised his brow as he sat back, smirking. "Cause you seem to have an awful lot of them." Pretending to be miffed at this, Adam gave the predator sad eyes and a fake sniff before starting to bolt away, making Ty say, "Oh no ya don't" and easily snatch him back up. Adam laughed happily, hugging his thumb as the predator growled playfully, "I caught you, which makes you my prey." He knew not to worry at that comment though, as it was nothing but an empty threat. Besides, he knew Ty would never hurt him, intentionally at least.

It had only been a few weeks ago, however, when Adam had been really shy, hiding from the predator. But Ty was different than the others, he didn't eat borrowers like the rest of his kind did.

Which came as a huge relief to Adam considering he had a panic attack in getting first seen, and he had actually passed out in fear.

Ty smiled and hugged the borrower to his chest, coddling him for a few minutes when his stomach suddenly growled, and he let out a sad murr.

"Guess I should make something. You hungry?"

After sharing a grilled cheese sandwich, they both decided to watch tv for a few hours. After glancing down at Adam to check up on him every once in a while, the next time he looked down Ty realized that he was asleep in his arms. He smiled and chuckled softly, gently ruffling the little creature's hair, with the response of a small squirm in protest while gripping his shirt more tightly. He turned off the tv and laid back across the couch, allowing the tiny borrower to curl up on his chest before gently resting his hand over his little friend. He smiled as he watched Adam yawn innocently in his sleep, shifting to get more comfortable. Then he too yawned, letting his head rest back before falling asleep.

He woke up a few hours later when his sharp ears heard the first distant rumble of thunder, so he sighed inwardly before getting up, cupping his friend to his chest as he walked back to his room. He knew Adam disliked thunder, despite having grown up in Seattle before moving to his area, so he was already preparing to calm the borrower down should he wake up. He laid down on his bed, sighing softly and stroking his small friend's back to keep him reassured of safety.

And sure enough, after a few more sharp crackles and booms of thunder, the little borrower jerked awake, sitting up abruptly and gasping in oxygen while shaking violently. Ty hugged him gently, murmuring a few words of reassurance, which gradually calmed the diminutive creature down a little, his heart still racing.

"... Was it that dream again?" Ty murmured. When he had first explained to Adam that he was a 'vegetarian' of his kind, the borrower had admitted as to why he had a panic attack, reason being that he had witnessed his parents' deaths in a cruel and almost violent way at a young age, and that he himself had barely escaped with his life. Even now as a 22 year old adult, the memory still taunted him, whispering fear into his mind.

"Y-yeah..." Adam admitted, wiping his forehead free of the cold sweat. "I-it always replays th-the worst part, with the-the predator..." Feeling sorry for the borrower, Ty gently pet the top of his head to help the poor thing feel a little better. It worked too, when Adam closed his eyes and gratefully nuzzled his index at the gesture.

He had never planned on taking care of a creature that his kind usually consumed, let alone befriending one. But he was glad that was exactly what happened.

Ty allowed the cattish side of him to purr, continuing to soothe his friend and stroke his back. A few more minutes of this, and the little Borrower's panicked heartbeat calmed down, and he no longer jumped at the thunderstorm outside, which had also gradually calmed down to just the soft patters of rain. Then he yawned and rubbed his head against the predator, who chuckled softly and gladly accepted the action.

"Go back to sleep," Ty murmured, cupping his hand over Adam to keep him warm. "You need it."

"Heh, younger than me and telling me what to do," the borrower grumbled jokingly, yawning again as he laid down.

"I'm only 3 years younger than you." Ty pointed out with a faint smirk.

"Uh huh, whatever you say..." He mumbled sleepily, closing his eyes. Within a couple minutes, he fell back into a more peaceful dreamless sleep. Ty smiled softly after making sure his best friend was asleep, then he laid his head back, and he too fell asleep, hugging the borrower protectively to his chest.

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