Lost and Found

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Also on Deviant Art by me, EnderShadeMC

She was so cold.
She could barely think as she huddled under the bench, a small soft sob in her every breath. It was raining, and it was pouring hard, bearing on the tiny two inch figure of the girl. She softly whimpered, trembling violently as the cold winds blew, biting her already cold cheeks and her bare arms and legs. Her clothes were not winter ones, as they were short and meant for a warm spring day. She knew that she would die if she didn't find a way to stay warm soon.
She let out a small sneeze before getting back up and stumbling out from under the bench. She knew that humans would most likely not be around in this kind of weather, not that she feared them as badly at this point.
She cried out as she slipped and fell into a puddle, sobbing in frustration. She was sick of being helpless! But even more important, she was so tired of being cold.
She crawled out of the puddle, folding her arms tightly over her chest as she started crying. Why did her life have to be so hard!? She let out a small hiccup, feeling her warm salty tears trail down her rosy cheeks. She was so sick of suffering...
She didn't notice the footsteps behind her compared to the hard heavy pattering of the rain, nor did she hear the slight flapping of fabrics billowing in the harsh rain until one of the footsteps almost stepped on her. She cried out in alarm and flinched back when she was splashed with rainwater, further more drenched. The person had stopped in surprise, looking down and halting mid-step.
She whimpered again, letting out a small sneeze as she cowered away from the giant that towered over her, and her gaze slowly traveled up, taking in his long legs, his slender thorax, and then she finally looked up to his face. The man was wearing black pants and black shoes, a dark teal blue shirt with white lining, and a black raincoat. He had his arms folded over his abdomen to keep his raincoat around him, his eyes wide with surprise ashe looked down from behind his dark shaded glasses. His thick black hair was fully saturated, which seemed to not bother him. And he was staring right at her.
She widened her eyes in fear, her gaze locked on the man's face as his expression went from surprised to mystified, to sympathetic. He slowly knelt down before her, taking up her whole vision. She let out a tiny squeak as he leaned closer, towering over her and preventing the rain from bearing down on her. He stared at her for a moment, then finally spoke.
"Hey... It's ok, I-I know you're scared..." The man hesitantly started saying in a tone just above a whisper, giving her a small soft disarming smile in hopes to reassure her that he wasn't going to harm her. "... But I'm not going to hurt you." He continued. "You're probably freezing right now, aren't you?" His words had caused her to cringe away at first before shakily nodding her head. The diminutive girl sneezed again, which made the human stranger's heart twist in sympathy.
"Well, I just want to help you... But I'm not gonna hurt you, alright?" He murmured to the shivering two inch tall figure. She whimpered in response, stumbling away a little in a partial crouch before falling over from quivering too violently, landing in the rain water that had collected on the concrete. He blinked in concern at the tiny girl, shaking his head a little.
"Right, you're still afraid of me... But it's ok, I just... I just want to help you, at least until this rainstorm blows over, ok?" She sat up, her back fully soaked in water as her small gaze still locked on him as she stared for a moment before violently shivering, then nodded. The human slowly reached down to her with both of his hands, not caring that his knees were now soaked. He stifled a gasp as soon as his skin touched her's, but he held it back and gently cupped his hands around her tiny cold figure, curling his fingers slightly to make her feel more secure. She whimpered as she was settled in the center of his palm, and he slowly lifted his hand up in the air. She let out a small whine, cringing, and he realized that she was scared at his seemingly fast movements. He paused for a moment before bringing her over to him, even slower.
He finally settled the tiny girl against him, so he opened up his raincoat and cradled her directly against his chest, keeping her out of the frigid winds and the cold deluge as he held her against the thin folds of his shirt. He felt the girl immediately shiver at the sudden change in temperature before shifting a little, still quivering but not quite as much. He finally set her down in his shirt pocket, keeping his hand over her a little longer so she could be a little more warmer. Then he slowly moved his hand and folded his raincoat over his thorax to ensure that the two inch tall creature in his care was completely away from the cold.
Each tiny movement that diminutive girl made was easily detected, and he felt her shivers and her cold skin as she curled up in his pocket. He shifted the folds of his raincoat before hugging them again, then slowly started walking home to get out of the rain, and to properly take care of the poor girl.

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