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Quick note: I do not own the creation Drágun, it originally came from Wildstar_Wildheart

I sprang forward and ducked behind a chair leg with a cry of alarm, barely managing to dodge his outreached hand.
"Don't think I won't catch you, Samantha Verona." Eric threatened. "We finally got our hands on the Drágun, and have perfected its use on you. It's not like you had any friends." He shifted back and forth in attempt to spot me with out moving too much.
"What do you have against me and my family!?" I screeched. "You killed them all! My mother, my father, my-!" I quickly cut myself to hold back a sob, remembering my brother's tattered state as I was dragged away...
"Simple. You were all Sorcerers, they figured it out, but now..." I screamed as he suddenly sprang forward and gripped me in a tight fist, making my vision dance with stars as I lost my breath. "You figured it out too." He whispered to me, fixing me firmly in his tight grip. My ears flattened as he roughly pet me on the head, and I snapped my chin up and bit him. He hissed between his teeth and dropped me, and I landed on the floor with an audible thump, blacking out.
When I woke up again, I heard Eric and another man's voice murmuring to one another.
"We have no more use of her. Gest rid of her." The unfamiliar one murmured coldly.
"K Boss." I felt myself be picked up as Eric grabbed me and started walking somewhere, then I heard the engine roar so loudly that I almost felt like I was going deaf.
"Oh don't worry, I'll make sure you die slowly." He murred chillingly. "First, you'll starve on the streets, then you'll be so weak that you can't run. I bet you'll then get run over some time, or a student at the University will think you're a bug... Maybe one of the students will take care of you as a pet if you're lucky." I felt my nape tingle with fear a chill shivering down my spine. I didn't wanna die! I spent my entire life just trying to rebuild my future! Sure I never made any friends yet, but that was because I was keeping my grades and GPA high enough to make it to the top!
Exhaustion from my wounds from being squeezed so tightly made me feel woozy, and I passed out in my capturer's tense grip.


"... Think it's still alive?"
"Adam don't rush me! You already raced here it or her or whatever, now let me do my part!" That voice... Almost sounded familiar... Kinda like Harvey's...
"......Arv......ey...." I weakly uttered, still out of it. My body... Felt numb... And I could barely hear... The voices... The two voices fell silent for a few seconds.
"... It... It talked." The first voice, Adam, breathed.
"Well it looks very human, so I'm not really surprised." I became aware of a soft breeze as I heard quiet breathing. "Poor thing..." The second voice quietly continued. "It's covered in bruises. With the amount it has, I'm surprised it's still alive."
"I bet it was that guy who I saw just toss her on the street." Adam said dryly. "Had I not wandered over there and picked her up..." The male's voice trailing off made me realize that I could have died, and I managed a weak shudder, otherwise still quite immobile.
"I think she's conscious." I felt a gentle stroking on my head, making my cat ears instinctively flatten. "She can probably hear us."
"I wonder what that guy did to her..." Adam said thoughtfully. "I'm glad I was there when I was." I stirred a little, trying to open my eyes but they felt too heavy. Are they gonna hurt me? Do they think I'm an animal? A pet? An experiment worthy creature? Instead of waking up, I fell back asleep.
When I regained consciousness, everything felt sore, but I finally managed to open my eyes. Everything was so bright that I immediately closed my eyes again, cringing then groaning inwardly. I tilted my head side to side a few times before opening my eyes again, letting them adjust. Everything was so bright... I wasn't used to it. I was in a small room, laying in a soft fabric on a bed. The owners of the voices from last time I was awake were gone, seeing I was alone. I sighed quietly, hearing my ragged breath almost rattle in my chest with tiredness. I closed my eyes again when I heard a shuffling noise outside, making my ears perk up as I heard the people talking again.
"When you go in there Ty, she most likely will be awake, so I don't want you to act fast." That was the second voice I had first heard, I never caught his name though.
"Alright." A gruffer voice grunted.
"Adam, can you go in there and check on her? It's been three days since you found her."
"And make sure your movements are slow if she is awake. Keep your distance too, she'll probably be terrified of us since we're so much more larger than her, but don't let her out of your sight, cause she could get herself hurt easily." Right before the door opened, I closed my eyes again, pretending to be asleep. The ominous like footsteps slowly and quietly made their way to my side, and I felt my heart hammering in my chest. Breathe, I told myself, just breathe. In... And out...
I heard the louder breathing as I hesitantly peeked through my eyelids, then my eyes flew open with alarm to see a young adult's face not too far away from me, his huge lustrous brown eyes locked on me. I gasped and scrambled back as he leaned back a little in surprise, blinking a few times until a small whimper escaped me, and I weakly scrambled to my feet, about to flee.
"Hey hey hey, it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you." He quickly said, reaching down and having me back into his hand, preventing me from going too far away. I shivered, remembering Eric's cruel hands, and immediately backed away from his touch. He frowned slightly in concern, kneeling down to eye level with me. "It's ok..." He assured me in a soft tone. "You're safe now. We're not gonna hurt you." I hugged myself and took a few shaky steps before my legs buckled under me,and I fell back onto the soft mattress covers, looking up at Adam --I think is his name. He gave me a sympathetic look.
"Poor thing." He murmured, leaning back and slowly standing up to his full height. I cowered back and pressed myself against the bed, despite my wounds, as he walked away, closing the door behind him.
"She's awake, but she's so scared." He murmured to his comrades, sympathy in his tone. I swallowed nervously, staying where I was.
"... Get her some water. Use a medicine dropper, that should be easy enough to use for her." The softer voice said quietly.
"I'll whip up something for us to eat, for her too." Ty added. I heard them shuffle off, so I slowly sat up, gritting my teeth at the effort it took. Are they... Really not gonna hurt me? They're treating me like an equal... Certainly not like how Eric treated me...
I shuddered, feeling my eyes begin to water. No, no no no, now is not the time to cry! I closed my eyes forcefully in attempt to not let my tears show, but one small tear escaped and trailed down my cheek. I whimpered, feeling myself start to break down on the inside. For months that man had tortured me, then had left me to die after using the Drágun on me, whatever that was. All I knew was that It was some medicine that shrank you, but prevented you from ever getting sick.
I heard the door open, and I avoided looking up as I covered half of my face with my hand, sniffling and rubbing the tears away with the heel of my hand, and letting my bangs hide my eyes from the newcomer. Unfortunately, it wasn't hidden well enough.
"Hey why're you crying?" I whimpered as Adam set the medicine dropper filled with water down next to me, then gently cupped his hands under me and picked me up. I trembled as I laid down in a fetal position, finally bursting into tears and crying whilst ignoring his inquiry. "Hey hey... It's ok..." Adam sat down on the bed, cradling me against his chest. "Shh shh..." I whimpered again, shivering at my weak action. He suddenly wrapped his fingers around me and gently lifted me up, making me flinch with a small whine, wanting to escape his grip. "Shh... It's ok..." He whispered, hugging me against his thorax. "Shh..." I tensed for a few seconds, surprised by the platonic affectionate gesture. Then I shivered, relaxing in the warm reassuring embrace as I continued to cry silently.
After a while, my small partial gasping breaths that held back sobs finally died down, and I fell silent, leaning against the human. Then I sighed quietly, nestling myself comfortably in his hands and snuggling up against him, hearing his quiet, rhythmic and reassuring heartbeat. Then he reached down, grabbing the medicine dropper and uncurling his hand a little, sitting back against the wall.
"Here." He held the tip of it up to me, and I hesitantly took a few sips of the water, feeling the back of my neck tingle in relief at the taste if hydration. I greedily started drinking the rest, suckling contently on the tip of the medicine dropper as Adam quietly shifted, continuing to let me drink the rest of the delicious water as I gradually consumed the rest. I finally stopped, finished, and took a deep breath before closing my eyes, comforted. I let out a small yawn as he set it down, returning to cradling me against him. Then he made a daring move and hesitantly started petting my head. I tensed for a moment and felt him pause, then I relaxed, nuzzling his finger. He chuckled quietly, continuing to stroke me.
"Hey Adam-" The person at the door stopped, making Adam look up and me cringe.
"... Shh Seto, I finally got her to relax." He quietly hissed, letting his hand curl around me partially. I tucked my knees to my chest, flicking my ears as I looked up at the younger male.
"... Eh, sorry." He murmured. "Just wanted to say Ty fixed up some sausage."
"K." Seto left, closing the door quietly behind him, and I shuddered as I remembered that I hadn't eaten in a week. Adam glanced down at me.
"You cold?" He asked quietly. I shook my head, raising my head to bump it against his fingertip in a silent demand for him to continue petting me. He gave me a small grin, complying. I closed my eyes again, feeling a purr rise in the back of my throat and sound itself. He chuckled, commenting, "I didn't know you were part cat. Ty's gonna be jealous." I had a feeling the last part was a joke, so I went with it and instead suddenly reached up, hugging his index finger. He stayed still, obviously surprised as I happily snuggled against his forefinger, resting the side of my head against it.
"... You're really... Warm..." I quietly murmured. He blinked in surprise before beaming down at me.
"Ah, thanks?" He rhetorically asked, a hint of laughter in his voice. I softly chuckled, rubbing my cheek against him. I flicked my ears and purred again as he gave me a gentle pat on the head, rubbing my cat ears between his other fingers.
"... So do you mind telling me what your name is?" He quietly murmured. I stopped purring, twitching one of my ears in hesitation.
"... S-Samantha." I quietly responded, stifling a yawn. He rubbed the top of my head with his pinky finger, smiling.
"... Sooo you want some sausage?"

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