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Seto was curled up in the corner of the closet, crying softly as tears fell down his pale skin. He was just a kid, he didn't deserve this. He was 16, and he couldn't remember what it felt like to be warm, to be cared for or for someone to want to protect him. He had dim memories of his loving parents, but that had been so long ago that the little Sorcerer could barely remember their faces. And yet here he was, curled up on the floor and bawling his eyes out like some loser in a house that belonged to his kind's worst enemy; a predator.

He whimpered softly and rubbed his eyes in attempt to slow the waterworks, but they only made it worse. He gave in and kept crying, rocking back and forth on his haunches and letting his bangs fall out from behind a silver head band, hugging his cloak tighter and letting his hoodie slide farther over his eyes. He wished he knew a better life, and he was willing to do something really, really risky. Well actually beyond risky.

He was going to give himself up.

Sniffling, he wiped his cheeks free of brine and got up in shaky legs, heading for back outside and into the room. He climbed up onto a chair in the living room, sitting at the top of it, and he huddled in a fetal position, praying that his death would at least be painless and quick, and happen in his sleep.


Seto shivered and slowly woke up, almost  dismayed to see that he was still alive. He sniffed piteously and rubbed his eyes, turning over and starting to get up when he realized that he felt a soft continuous breeze, warm and gently billowing his cloak. There was no wind in the house, which meant...

He stayed still, not turning his head as he glanced behind him, and his heart leapt in his throat. The predator that lived here, while living by himself, was right behind him, gazing down at him with an unreadable expression. The mage shuddered before taking off, leaping instinctively down onto the floor and running. He heard the predator quickly give chase, and his pulse ran quicker, egging him to go faster. He felt himself suddenly be yanked up by his cloak, and instead of being lifted fully off of the ground, he fell out of the attire, now only in his bland dark grey outfit. As much as he loved that cloak, he sprinted into the bedroom, attempting to dash under the bed when he was suddenly picked up again, this time by his leg. He let out a sob of frustration as he was lifted up high above the air, and he found himself staring fearfully into the predator's glowing eyes.

Only to the predator's surprise, instead of trying to escape or plead, the little sorcerer whimpered, staring silently for a few seconds before he burst into tears.

"Oh crap..." He muttered, staring guiltily at Seto. "I'm-I'm sorry, I wasn't gonna-I mean I-I'm not gonna hurt you I just-"

"N-n-no." Seto hiccuped, not hearing the predator as he kept his face buried in his hands. "I-I don't deserve this, just-just like my parents d-d-didn't,  I-I-I-I don't want to-to- I-I-I-" at the mentioning of the borrower's parents' fates, the predator's red-maroon eyes softened in sympathy as the sorcerer continued to snivel, not even caring that he was hanging upside down in the face of possible death.

"It's-it's ok..." He tried to reassure the borrower, but he ignored his words, continuing to sob. Feeling guilty for frightening the little creature, he gently set him down on the pillows of his bed and left, his eyes scanning the floor if the hallway before spotting what he was looking for. He gently picked up the little clothing, fingering it as his eyes made out the detail on the little cloak, and he couldn't help but think it was pretty with its main black color and mysterious purple details.

He returned to his room to find that the mage had moved, no longer on the bed. For a second he was confused as to where the poor creature went, then his sharp hearing picked up a miserable sniff. Sighing softly, the predator followed the noise.

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