The Light in the Dark

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'Fly, that's all I can do, just fly,' Sky thought desperately, zooming past the looming trees, tears in his eyes. 'I can't save them, no matter how hard I want to. My friends, my-my family... none of them.' He squeezed his eyes shut as he listened to the background noise of the wolves howling in victory, having recently had a satisfying meal.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, looking back to see if he was being followed. His heart skipped a beat when he was met with red eyes in the night, and he flapped his wings harder to get away. There was a snarl, a rush of air, and he jerked up to avoid the gleaming teeth as the jaws snapped together under him, and the wolf growled in irritation, leaping up again. He screamed and jolted up again, barely avoiding it and he flew harder. He was barely an adult by age, so he wasn't strong enough to fly as high up as the one's who had their official Coming-of-Age. He felt a sob in the back of his throat as he realized that was another thing he'd miss. 'No more ceremonies, no more celebrations, no more dancing in the sunlight, no more colony, no more...' His mind echoed the words 'no more', making him miss the sound of the wolf jumping up until it was too late.

He screeched in pain when the teeth scratched his leg, sending him sprawling into the grass. He whimpered as the wolf howled gleefully, circling him slowly and giving him a hungry stare. It knew he couldn't fly away now, since he had landed awkwardly and bent one wing out of shape, so it was now just taking its time. He sobbed and covered his eyes with one arm, trembling as he braced himself for his demise. He was done for.

There was sudden footsteps, making both the fairy and the wolf start, and then there was a shout of, "Get outta here! Shoo!" The wolf snarled, bunching its shoulders before leaping at the direction of the voice, while Sky pressed himself against the earthy floor, as if to melt into it and disappear. There was a swing, a whimper and a thump, then a snarl before the pawsteps retreated. 'I should get rid of my wings,' the borrower realized, seeing that his wings were still emitting their magical glow. He quickly dismissed them--by having their magic flow into his back-- and cried out when he moved his leg. Whatever had chased off the wolf suddenly approached him, and a shadow stretched over the small humanoid figure on the ground as he slipped into unconsciousness.

 It was a human.

He squinted at the small figure in the grass, then widened his eyes. 'This is what that wolf was after?' He wondered, cautiously reaching down to it and gently prodding it. It didn't react, staying deathly still. The human took a deep breath before hesitantly picking it up, laying it flat in one hand. He then rested his finger on its chest, sighing in relief when he felt it rise and fall. It was still alive... whatever it was. Realizing it was hurt, he cradled the little creature to his chest and looked around for any more nocturnal animals before plunging through the undergrowth and heading for his place.

He was breathing heavily by the time he made it to his yard, and he quickly ducked into his house and shut it with a slam, which made him jump and the... Thing or whatever in his hands cringe. He grabbed his jacket and set that on a table, then eased the small creature onto it, and then left to head into his bathroom and grab the first aid kit. He opened that and pulled out some wrapping bandages, taking a small twine of it and setting it down beside the human-like creature, who was breathing shallowly.

"Ee-ah-ugh where's the medicine?" He mumbled under his breath, fumbling through some bandages before finding it. He grabbed a cue tip and gently pulled up the creature's pants' leg, shaking his head a little in bewilderment at the fact that it wore clothes as he carefully tended to the wounds. Then he grabbed the twine and gently wrapped it, securing it and then fixing the attire the way it was. He took a step back to gaze at the creature, deciding that it definitely looked human now that he was getting a much better look at it.

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