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(ummm... so yeah, I was bored, so I made this alternate encounter for Adam and Ty on When You Wish Upon a Borrower... so enjoy? and uh... pretend Adam didn't know Ty from before for this alternate plot)

Adam hugged his knees, rocking back and forth as he strained to hold back his sobs. He wasn't frightened or scared or anything. He was terrified. It had been a week since he had woken up here, and he hadn't taken care of any of his needs, mainly because all he had done was cower behind a small bookshelf and try to reassure himself. He was only an inch tall, too small to be spotted by most humans. However, the person... or creature, that owned the house he had found himself in, was an entirely different exception.

What lived here was... a monstrosity. A voracious creature, aggressive and sharp-scented. He was surprised he hadn't attracted it- well, him- yet with his quiet crying in the night, or from staying in one place. He would have figured that he would have scented him by now. According to a Borrower that lived next door with ignorant humans, he had told Adam that the one who lived here... was a creature called a predator, or a human-like creature that eats... well, Borrowers.

Adam wasn't actually a Borrower though. He used to be human, but he didn't know what had happened. One day he was laughing with his friends, and the next he woke up on the floor of an unfamiliar house. Although, he supposed now he certainly could pull off being a Borrower. Which meant his life was in danger.

Which scared him stiff.

He had retreated to the first shelter he had found
and stayed there for almost a full day when he had spotted the next door Borrower on the window, trying to get his attention, which was how he knew what the person here was. Then he had left, leaving Adam alone in the huge and loid house, even though it was only one room.

He knew he couldn't leave, not with out the predator spotting him-

Unless he tried to escape at night.

He widened his eyes at the idea and mentally cursed himself. Why hadn't he thought of that before!? He could wait until the predator had fallen asleep, and then leave. He wouldn't be killed, and the predator wouldn't ever have known he was here. It was full proof.


He remained huddled in his hiding place, waiting for the human-like creature's breathing to slow. It was around midnight, and not only was he hungry and thirsty, but he was now tired and cold. 'Maybe I should wait until morning...' he wondered, then shook his head. 'No no no, I can't think like that. Now's my only chance.'

He finally realized that the predator was asleep, and he cautiously poked his nose out of hiding, glancing uncertainly at the sleeping figure on the bed across the room. Was he actually asleep? His heart raced in realization, and he caught his breath. He was free! He was going home! Maybe someone could help him when he got back. Anything better than getting eaten...

He darted out of the shadows and scampered across the carpet, quickly leaving the room. 'But which way leads me out?' He thought miserably, glancing at each huge ominous hallway. Then he shrugged to himself and chose a random one, stumbling through the darkness and forcing himself to keep going. He had to get out of here. He had to leave, before something bad happened to him.

He followed the turns and more hallways before finding himself standing in front of the bedroom once more. Only this time, the predator wasn't on his bed, no where to be found.

He froze, his breath catching in his throat in both terror and vexation. Of course. He must have somehow known he was back there, waiting for him to venture out and try to leave.

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