Kiss the Kitty Under the Mistletoe!

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Timeline version: How to Save a Spark series, before How to Catch a Spark

(Yush, Seto's still alive in dis short story :) you're welcome)

(Also a really late Christmas special, but YOLO)

Alternative song to listen to: (also in the description)

Samantha's POV

     "Hey Samantha. Samantha." I felt myself being shaken roughly by the shoulders. I threw a pillow at Adam and turned over, opening my eyes.

     "It's four in the bloody morning." I grumbled almost incoherently.

     "So? It's Christmas, and I want pancakes!" He whined. I sighed and turned back over, seeing him leaning over me.

     "With butter of course?" He beamed.

     "Pwetty pwease?" He asked in a small innocent voice. He really did remind me of a kid on Eggnog and coffee all year long. Finally I gave in and yawned, covering my mouth.

     "Alright alright fine, lemme..." He was gone by the time I swung my feet over the side of the bed. "... up then." I finished quietly, making a "-_-" face expression. I stretched up with another silent yawn, shaking myself slightly as if I were a cat. Well, I am a cat sort of, a neko. You've read How to Save a Spark, right?

     I mentally slapped myself before I could break the fourth wall (Derp :^) and got up, peeking through the window. I was surprised to see that there was snow outside, a lot of it, but then again we are in Washington. I smiled in delight and hopped back off the bed walking past the open door and trotting downstairs to the neatly tucked to the side kitchen. Adam was on the spare computer, recording while he waited for me to fix up pancakes. Although the Christmas Tree was in te way, so how could I be so sure? One, he was talking to himself, which is surprisingly not a 24/7 thing (XD), and two, he was screaming something about squids, which is an every time thing for him for recording, so process of elimination...

     I smiled to myself as I mixed up the pancake batter, pouring in the milk and letting my thoughts float in the middle of nowhere. Me and the others had agreed to not get each other presents since some of us didn't have that much money to spare- *cough* me, I'm sometimes frugal and suck at giving presents *cough*- and besides, I can cook, what would the guys want that would be better? Just about nothing.

     I heard someone knock on the door, and I called out "Adam can you get that unless you want the pancakes to burn?" He ran over to the door and opened it.

     "Hey Alesa, you made it!" Alesa walked in past Adam, beaming at him.

     "Hi Adam, Merry Christmas."

     "Aw, you too." They gave each other a kiss, and I rolled my eyes with a smile. I would have told them to get a room, but there aren't many to spare anyways, and they're engaged. Plus, they're a pretty cute couple I guess anyway, so.

     "Hi, you must be Samantha Verona?" Alesa asked, walking up to me. I smiled and extended my hand, and she shook it.

     "Yeah. It's great to meet you finally Alesa, Adam hasn't ever stopped talking about you." I replied cheerfully, teasing Adam in the process.

     "Of course." He muttered incoherently under his breath as Alesa chuckled.

     "Well glad to hear it."

     Alesa helped me fix the pancakes and prepare them for the others, and finally we brought two neat stacks of the pancakes. Adam gave Alesa a hug from behind while thanking me (Shocker, he has maners!? jk) before sitting down and grabbing a plate, as Ty stumbled sleepily down the stairs.

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