Let Sleeping Predators Lie

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The moon was full, casting a ghostly glow amongst everything beneath it. The grass was softly stirring, whispering in the mysterious atmosphere to fit in. All was peaceful, except for somewhere deep in the forest as wolves howled to one another to assist in ganging up on their quarry: A human. And that human's name was Adam.

Adam leaped over the roots of a tree as he continued to run, hearing the silver -yet-malicious wolves' enchanting calls. He was a runaway, seeing he stole from a town nearby. All he had taken though was bread, barely enough to satisfy him. Unfortunately, it was his reek of hunger and weakness that had attracted his hunters, who were now chasing him.

He dared to look back as he kept going, seeing the alpha's glowing eyes of hostility and hunger as it howled. He ran faster, stumbling past trees and bushes. At one point he thought of going up a tree, but then the wolves would be on him in a matter of seconds, so he decided against it and kept going.

He suddenly tripped, scraping his arm against the rough surface of a rock, and he got up to keep running despite the bleeding. The smell of blood seemed to excite the wolves, as they were starting to catch up. Adam spotted a cave in the distance, which he hoped was a good idea for shelter. He played hard-to-get and swerved a lot to confuse his pursuers, then dove into the darkness of the cave and kept running. He suddenly tripped on a small stalagmite that had hardly formed, and he fell to the floor heavily, the breath getting knocked out of him.

There was a low snarl of victory as the alpha approached the entrance of the cave, its red eyes glittering with hunger as the other wolves came up. Adam's heart sank as he realized that there were 7 wolves; half-starved and ready to tear into him. He started backing up when he bumped into something warm and smooth, and he froze in fear as the wolves leaped forward with howls. He shrank back and braced himself, squeezing his eyes shut as he shook with terror.

Then he heard a growl, even lower and louder than the wolves.

And it came from right behind him.

He opened his eyes to see that the wolves had paused, even taking a few pawsteps back. He heard a rumbling sound resembling breathing, and his blood froze. Trembling, he slowly turned around to see large and malicious purple eyes staring back at him. He stared in horror as the creature shifted, sitting up slowly and even yawning to reveal its incredibly pernicious fangs.

He had ran into a dragon predator's cave.

The dragon narrowed its eyes at the wolves, crouching a little before shifting to stand over Adam, who remained petrified on the ground. The wolves nervously barked to one another, and then they all attacked at once. Adam yelped and scampered behind the black and purple dragon, who snarled and easily clouted the first wolf away. The alpha leaped on the dragon's neck, making it hiss and bash the wolf against the wall, causing it whimper and let go. Then it swiped its tail at another attacker, sending it flying past the alpha. The alpha snarled and leaped again, only this time heading for Adam, who's eyes widened as he pressed against the wall. But at the last second, the dragon's black tail sweeped in front of the wolf, knocking it away. Adam, shaking in relief, was still too scared to move or even say anything until he saw one wolf crouched to aim for one of the dragon's wings.

"L-look out!" He managed to shout, flinching when the alpha bared its teeth at him. The mystical predator whirled around and blew out hot flames of purple fire, making Adam yelp and shield his eyes as he heard whines and yips of pain. Then after the fire died down, he lowered his arm nervously to see that the wolves were retreating. The alpha paused at the entrance, giving the dragon a challenging glare before narrowing its eyes at Adam, as if to say "This isn't over." Then it left to join its pack.

The predator puffed out a little smoke from its nostrils with a challenging snort, then turned its head to glower at Adam. Adam's breath quickened as it lumbered over to him, and he shrank back, noting that the dragon's maw was easily as big as him and well capable of snapping him up.

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