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A few weeks ago, Tyler Warren Ellis had been in a car accident. He had been hospitalized for a while, then sent home with medication he was required to take daily in small doses. But they didn't know about his void of sadness-- he felt like something was missing in his life-- and the accident just pushed him over the edge.

He tilted his head back as he down two more pills, taking ragged panting breaths as he leaned over the sink, shuddering and closing his eyes. 'Make... The pain... Go... Away...' He thought desperately, sighing shallowly and rubbing his forehead to brush his bangs out of his face. 'Why... Why won't it...' He panted and set the pills down with a rattle, looking at himself in the mirror. 'I'm a mess,' he noted, glancing at his tired eyes and messy hair. 'I haven't slept in three days, I barely eat, all I do is pop painkillers and pass time on the computer.' He closed his eyes again and shuddered, his breathing evening out a little as he tried to calm down.

When he opened his eyes, he grunted in discomfort at how dizzy he felt and gripped the side of the counter, swallowing hard before limping out of the bathroom. 'I... Need to... Call someone.' He managed to make it across the room before collapsing, and he rolled over on his back, his jaws parted for air. 'I... Need to... Need...' He tried reaching for the phone, but his muscles were too weak for him to even lift his arm. 'What's... Wrong with... Me...?' Ty weakly thought before passing out.

'So may things...'


Ty was well aware of passing in and out of conscious, but he didn't know for how long when he finally came to. Everything was bright when he finally opened his eyes, and he grunted in discomfort, managing to weakly lift his hand to his face and rub his eyes in an attempt to adjust.

'What happened?' He wasn't hungry still, but for some reason he had the taste of bread in his mouth, and he was still thirsty, but... he was somehow hydrated still. 'I've been out for probably like a week, why...?' He tried sitting up, but his muscles refused to budge, and he laid back down with a painful grunt.

'The phone,' He realized. He had been trying to call a friend of his, but...

He let out a raspy cough before forcing himself to sit up, only to be met with a dizzying headache causing him to moan.

"Y-you should lie back down," A small voice said quietly. Ty stopped and stared at the floor, surprised by the unexpected voice. Then he slowly laid back down, coughing again as he tried to look for the source of the voice.

"Wh... Where..." He weakly rasped.

"J-just go back to sleep," The voice nervously continued. "Y-you need it." Ty frowned. Who was talking to him? It sounded like a guy, but he had no idea where the stranger was. Nevertheless, he slowly complied and shut his weary eyes, hesitantly falling back asleep.


When Ty woke up again it was midnight, but his lamp was somehow on. He groaned and tilted his head to the side, opening his eyes and blinking a few times to clear his vision. However, when he could finally see, he was met with an interesting sight.

A tiny human was about an inch or two away from him, with a piece of bread in hand.

It looked surprised, and a little alarmed, but not completely afraid of him. Perhaps that was because he knew that Ty could barely even talk. He had curly brown hair and huge gold eyes, but tattered and threadbare grey and black clothes, along with a jacket that was barely holding together. He looked pathetically thin, but still looked rather well-built.

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