Injured Little Birdy

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Adam let a squeak of pain escape him as the cat's claws ripped through his jeans, contacting his skin, and he was sent flying. He rolled to a painful stop as the cat stalked after him, hissing as it made ready to pounce on its prey. Thinking fast, Adam rolled in time to avoid the cat's outstretched paws, and he scrambled to his feet and fled straight for a human's house. He made it to the wall before jumping up to swiftly climb up the ivy that stretched up to a window. He yelped when he almost lost his grip, caused by the stray cat slamming into the wall with a yowl. He rolled onto the window sill, yelping as he fell off the edge and landed on the floor with a thud, the breath getting knocked out of him from not landing properly. But he felt a small trickle of satisfaction when he heard the cat snarling in irritation at losing its quarry before it went away.

He let a shaky sigh escape him as he stared up at the ceiling, letting his breath slowly return. He had lived to see another day.

He laid there for a few seconds before reminding himself that the owner of this house had probably heard the commotion, meaning that he should probably get somewhere safe. He tried to sit up when his overheated muscles internally screamed at him, and he fell back down with a gasp of pain. Then fear trickled into him when he felt the faint vibrations of an approaching danger, which helped him gather enough energy to hobble onto his feet and stumble under the bed. As the human, which he duly noted was in his late-teens it seemed, walked into the room, noticing that the window was open, Adam collapsed on the carpet in the shadows and passed out.


As soon as Adam's eyes fluttered open again, his exhaustion and soreness came flooding back to him, and he quietly groaned. As much as he wanted to rest, be knew he needed one key thing in order to recover: Food.

He slowly sat up, cringing at how sore he was all over, and examined his leg. Seeing that it wasn't looking good, he guessed it was infected. Fan-flipping-tastic. He sighed quietly and glanced out past the bed, seeing that the human was sitting at his desk. Also judging by how the calendar had changed since he'd last glanced at it, it had been a few days since he had 'dropped dead'.

He sniffed the air, realizing there was a rich aroma in it. He took a deep breath, then noticed that the human was eating something.



More importantly, food/energy.

He slowly staggered onto his feet, swaying a little. 'I'm probably gonna die if this infection gets bad enough,' he realized with a shiver as he edged to the boundary of the bed. He waited a few seconds before noticing the human get up and leave the room after glancing around a little, and he took the opportunity without hesitation.

It took him a good few minutes, but he managed to haul himself over the edge of the desk, now on its surface. He breathed in the scent again, staring hungrily at a plate of delicious, rich and juicy-looking steak. He crawled over to the edge of it, letting his hurt leg drag behind him, and he leaned forward to snatch a piece.

"Interesting. I didn't know borrowers liked steak." Icy talons of fear gripped Adam's body, and he froze, petrified. He had been seen.

He slowly turned around and backpedaled with a shiver, realizing that the human was staring at him. Now that he had a good look at him too, he realized that he was a little less human than he thought.

 His back hit the neck if the computer, his chest rising and falling in fast movements. He knew he was too weak to run, which meant he was helpless.

 The predator stared at him for a few seconds--what felt like years to Adam-- before his unreadable maroon-glowing eyes shifted to gaze at his leg. Swallowing nervously, Adam realized that his leg had started bleeding again from the sharp wounds left by the stray cat, and had smeared a little on the desk.

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