No Bueno

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What's 'better' than skipping school to do something fun?

Getting lost in your nearby forest.

"Yeah this is totally fun." Adam grumbled under his breath, hopping over the roots of a tree. He had been wandering for hours to try and find a way to get out of the sparse woods, but no luck so far. It was getting dark too, and cold. Adam shuddered and hugged his jacket, stifling a brief yawn as he looked around the getting -dark forest. 'Wait! Maybe if I climb a tree...' He managed to climb up a few branches before spotting a cave in the distance. Since he was nowhere near the edge of the forest, he guessed that'd be an alright place to stay the night.

He clambered back down and started walking in the direction he had seen the landmark, now mis-stepping every now and then as the sun sank deeper, casting a blood-colored sunset with the cold as he finally spotted the cave. Despite its dark yawning entrance, Adam still stumbled into it, shuddering as he was washed over with a cool atmosphere. This was almost worst, but at least it was shelter.

Now shivering as he left the purple-ing sky behind, he retreated to a wall of white rock that made up the back of the cave, huddling and pressing against it to try to warm himself up. He was surprised to find that the surface he lay against was warm already, and felt nothing like rock, instead soft almost. But he shrugged it off, not caring since he was freezing cold and vibrating as he laid alongside it and closed his eyes, drifting into sleep.


It was cold. The cold was still nipping him here and there, but Adam felt warm all over. He stirred a little and yawned, stretching slightly to relieve himself of the stiffness in his joints. 'Man, I haven't slept that good in forever...' He sighed softly and curled up, not noticing that the ground beneath him was different than what he had fallen asleep on. In fact, he didn't even notice he was wrapped in an embrace-like way until he shifted to where he was resting himself against the white surface again, and he picked up a faint 'th-thump' sound that repeated itself. 'Wait what's-' he opened his eyes to see that there was a giant pale-skinned arm wrapped over him, another alongside him to hold him in a warm protective hug. He froze, his heart rate picking up. 'Uh...?' He managed to wriggle forward enough to sit up, and he let his eyes trace up one of the huge limbs, his gaze contacting the white surface as he slowly turned around--which he now realized was definitely not rock in any way -- and he slowly looked up from what he further realized were grey pants past the arms, a white shirt...

And his eyes met large brown eyes.

He stared for a few seconds in disbelief, then he panicked a little as his heart raced. 'HolySh-HowIsThisPossibleGiantsAren'tRealRightOhGodOhGodOhGodAmIGoingToDieCuzIReallyDon'tWantToDieI'mTooYoung...!?' His mind was screaming at him with not very reassuring thoughts, but he stayed still, frozen with fear.

"... Well uh, this is awkward." He tensed a little as the giant being spoke, feeling like someone had dumped a bucket of ice on him. "Uh..." The giant scratched the top of his head--making Adam cringe-- while looking surprised and sheepish. "When-when did you get here exactly?" He asked, grinning sheepishly to match his expression. Adam stayed silent, only trembling a little, and the huge creature's smile faded. "Nng... Ok then, what about your name? You have a name right?" Adam managed to nod, still mute with fear. "Er... Mine's Ty." The giant offered. Adam swallowed nervously, than managed to utter a small squeak.

"Adam." He meeped in a high-pitched tone. Ty nodded thoughtfully, then started sitting up. Adam yelped in surprise and found himself pressing against the giant, burrowing his face in his shirt.

"Oh, right... S-sorry." He apologized, sitting up more slowly and leaning against the cave wall. Adam nervously glanced back down at the floor, seeing it was a ways down, and he shuddered. Even with his knees up, the prodigious being was still at least 12x Adam's height, as far as he could tell. He swallowed anxiously and leaned away from the edge of Ty's arms, pressing against him a little harder and shaking. Mixed emotions were surging through him, 'Trust the giant? 'Don't trust him?'

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