Kitten Luv

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     I let out a small squeak as I scampered back indoors, shaking myself to rid free of the rainwater that had covered me. Apparently the tree leaves were still wet with the morning dew. Then again, it was always wet outside since it almost always rained, which was fine by me if I wasn't only an inch tall. I sighed and fixed my ruffled hair, letting out a small yawn that revealed my tiny fangs, then shook my head to rid my ears of the water that had soaked their fur. What am I you ask? A neko. Part cat, part human.
     Although I'd act more cattish even though I looked more human-like.
     I let out a small mew to myself, lightly grooming my tail before suddenly perking up at footsteps. Yes, I don't live alone, I live in a human's home. And my human 'host' was very energetic, young, therefore dangerous. I had been told dreadful stories when I was younger, of just how hazardous letting a human see you was. So I was always wary, always on my  toes, constantly hiding. Truth be told though, I was almost sick of hiding, not that I didn't want to live.
     I quickly got back up and scurried in the shadows of a small table, used for putting keys at, as the human walked into the hall. He had wild light-brown hair, and lustrous brown eyes, as well as headphones hanging around his neck. His name, if I could recall, was Adam.
     The male saw that the door was open, and quickly jogged over to it, closing it with a click.
     "Could have sworn I shut that." He muttered to himself before walking away again. I remained immobile until he went into another room, then I relaxed with a small sigh. It had taken me five whole minute just to open it enough for me to slip through, since Adam had forgotten to lock it.
     I let out a small yawn, rubbing my eyes as I realized how tired I was, my eyelids feeling heavy. I bit back a sigh before leaving the hallway and scampering into the living room, glancing around before I spotted the human's jacket. I hesitated, glanced about my surroundings. Do I dare to do something this risky? I made up my mind and ran over to it, cautiously nosing it until I found a pocket, and I crawled into it. It would do me well to provide me warmth. I let out a small sigh and relaxed, curling up in a little ball before easily falling asleep.


     "Ha ha ha, so you think this looks good on me?"
     "Mmm, no."
     "Wow, thanks." I stirred awake at the voices, panic already fluttering in my chest. How could I have let them come near me without me realizing it!? I should have remembered that his friend was coming over...
     "Honestly, Adam you really shouldn't just leave your things just splayed about."
     "Sorry, I'll take care of it." I tensed, about to flee when the jacket was suddenly picked up, and I accidentally let out a yelp as I was suddenly jerked up at the force. "The heck?" I heard Adam mutter, shifting the jacket to investigate. I tried to keep my balance, but I kept falling over and tumbling, then I flinched when I suddenly felt skin contact me. The movement stopped, and I finally could breathe again, panting as I slowly looked up.
     Despite me being partially upside-down, the flabbergasted and bewildered expression was well apparent on the male's face as he stared down at me in confusion. My ears instinctively flattened as he snapped out of his trance and cautiously let his fingers slip under me, and I yelped as he lifted me up out of the pocket, my heart hammering in my chest as I quickly rolled over to get up, when I was suddenly gently pinned down. I let out a shriek and struggled to escape when  the weight on me lifted, and I was set down on a hard surface. I immediately scrambled to my feet, whirling around to see that Adam was gazing at me with fascination, his eyes so wide with disbelief that it was almost comical. I swallowed nervously, my tail tightly tucked behind me as I trembled. I flinched sharply when he lifted his hand a little, then he reached down at his side and picked up his jacket as the female voice called from the other room, "Adam is everything all right?" My gaze darted to the entrance of the room, half expecting his friend to walk in, then I looked back at Adam with wide eyes, dreading his next move. He bit his lower lip before calling back, "Ye-Yeah, everything's fine Alesa, I'm just checking for any holes."
     He gave me another glance before quickly getting up and striding out of the room, leaving me staring after him with disbelief. He had not only spared me, but didn't tell his female friend. Why?

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