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All Adam could hear were shouts and frenzied footsteps as he weaved through the crowd, somehow managing to avoid getting stepped on. 'So this is why borrowers hate the human world,' he realized as he scuttled away from the chaos. '... They overreact way too easily, it was just a piece of bread! A crumb, to them!' But now he was a little popular at the moment, fleeing for his life. He ran into the nearest aisle of the human store where he scurried about in hopes to get away, dashing away frantically from the small group of humans that were after him as they pointed him out to one another and chased after him. But within a couple of minutes, he was surrounded.

"We outta teach this rodent to not steal from us!" One suggested, making Adam back away from him. He was swept up in a tight fist, making him yelp as he strained to escape-- or at least get air.

"Or maybe we can use it in a stew! I've had rat stew before, not too shabby..." Ice trickled into the Borrower's veins as he managed to kick his way out of the grip, and he fell to the ground. He scrambled to his feet, only to be pushed down hard in the back, making him fall forward with an "Uff!"

"Maybe we should feed him to a dog!" Poor Adam's tiny heart was racing in fear, and he tried to make a break for it, only to be lightly stepped on by one of the persecutors, making him cry out as pain jolted through his entire body.

"Maybe we can give it a quick death and be on our way." The fourth said in a slightly bored tone. "And we can just kill it and go back to our regular lives."

"And how would we kill it?" He started feeling dizzy from lack of air, his body aching hard from the pressure applied on him.

"Alright alright! Break it up guys! Don't crowd so much, go your separate ways and stop blocking others!" An unfamiliar voice snapped. Adam gasped painfully in relief when the weight on him was lifted, and he went limp as the footsteps of the humans went away. A few seconds later, he managed to drag himself to his feet and start running as he glanced back for any more humans, only to run into something he didn't see due to his dizziness and fall on his back with a thud.

Everything hurt as he slowly managed to sit up, straining to focus as he realized that he had been stopped short by hitting someone's shoe, and before he could look to see who, he was picked up in a surprisingly gentle grip. Nevertheless, he still strained to try and get free, but he was too tired from his great escape, and he fell asleep before he could even think about it.


Adam jolted awake with fast and tiny gasps of breath, breathing heavily as the gentle hum of an engine reached his mind. 'Where am I!?' He shifted in the darkness of wherever he was, feeling fabric contacting his skin from all sides of him, save a narrow space above him. Another gentle sound softly repeated itself as well, but he couldn't tell what.

Light suddenly poured into his confinement, and he gasped when he felt himself be picked up again. Unlike other hands he had been taken up in, it was a warm and soft grip, tight enough to not drop him but loose enough to allow him air.

He realized he was in a car as he was set down on the 'ground' -- grey jeans-- and he realized that the one who had held him was right behind him. He cautiously peered over the side as the mystery person continued driving, and he stared down the long drop. Swallowing nervously, he slowly backed away, pressing against the human and shaking.

"It's ok..." He flinched with a gasp when a hand blocked his vision and gently held him to the surface he was leaning against, and he realized the human was attempting to reassure him. "It's ok, you're safe now," the voice continued. He shuddered and burrowed into his source of warmth, finding it relaxing. He vibrated a little to try to shake away his fear, listening to the human's breathing. It was calm... but faster than normal. Adam knew exactly why. He couldn't believe that something like him--a borrower-- existed, but he was protecting him because he looked human. If he looked more mousy though...

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