Beneath My Wings (Epilogue to Little Butterfly)

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It was twilight, and the forest seemed to be quiet. The human neighborhoods next to a forest had quieted down their lights and turned in for the night-- save for some pesky all-nighters-- and the moon was a huge glowing blue-white orb hanging low in the sky, but the sunset's golden light was still a little visible, making the night sky pink and magenta, and purple and other vibrant blue-ish colors.

However, deep in the Coronado Forest, among the gently billowing moonlit grass and regrown heart of the forest, this was not the time to rest. A bird tweeted its midnight song in the distance as a gold blur suddenly darted into the meadow, leaving a trail of gold sparkles in its path as it glowed. It flitted over the pretty magenta purples of the night, hovering here and there but moving too fast for the human eye to register what it truly was. But then it stopped mid-flight and looked up at a rustle.

It was a fairy.

The gold fairy waited for a moment, staring in the direction of the rustling, then grinned and
whirled around, darting the opposite direction. Other noises grew louder as he zipped past a pond with a small ghostly looking waterfall, and the fairy could hear sounds that made him smile. He was going to enjoy this.

He flew low to brush through some tall soft grass, startling fireflies and making the clearing light up with natural lights as he finally came to it. Singing could be heard, merry chattering and musical instruments as fairies of all colors danced in the air, celebrating.

The gold fairy smiled; this was his first Blue Moon Festivity. Every blue moon the fairies would throw a celebration, where they would have fun throughout the night, drink lots of nectar, enjoy plentiful food and have a merry time.

The little fairy flitted past groups of fairies twisting and twirling in the star-speckled sky before landing in a hollow, where three fairies were.

"He's here!" A blue fairy looked up in surprise, then smiled a little.

"Good, he's just in time." He peered out of the hollow, as the other two fairies-- one cyan and another lavender-- looked to the yellow fairy.

"How far away is he, Adam?" The cyan one asked eagerly.

"He was just at the meadow," Adam panted breathlessly, excitement making his eyes shine. "He didn't see me though," he giggled. The purple fairy raised one brow.

"You haven't had any nectar have you?" He questioned dubiously as the celebration continued outside. Adam rolled his eyes.

"No! Seto!" He huffed. "Come on Jason, I wanna surprise him!" Adam grabbed the cyan fairy's hand and dragged him away, leaving Seto and the blue fairy to watch him in amusement.

"Be careful out there!" The navy blue fairy called out.

"I will Ian!" The two fairies zipped away from the clearing and into the wild, flitting up into a tall tree and hiding their wings to be under the cover of night and not emit light, lying in wait. After a moment of lying crouched on the branch, Adam spotted a tall figure walking through the trees and struggling through the undergrowth, and he grinned mischievously.

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