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She ran blindly in the dark, tears streaming down her face in the horror of what she had just witnessed. Her parents had been sick for a while, then they were too weak to avoid the wheels of a car, but they managed to push her out of the way. Now she was all alone, in the dark, no food,no water, no warmth, and no one to care for her.
She tripped and fell on the hard concrete, crying out as blood formed on the shallow scrapes on her shins. She was only 6, and she was alone, only just over an inch tall. Why? What did she do to deserve this?
She bent over her hands, gritting her teeth as she felt the tears flow. She hated crying. It made her feel weak, incapable of handling herself, even though that was the case. She felt the tears begin to slide down her cheeks, and she gave in and started crying. She vocalized her pain through sobs and odd hiccups and gasps, laying down on the hard ground and curling up in a little ball. There was a little blood next to her from where she had tripped, but she didn't care as she bawled, grieving for her former family and for herself.
She thought she heard something, footsteps perhaps, but she didn't care as she cried, covering her face from the outside world. She was scared. Everything suddenly seemed so much more larger, and more intimidating without her parents. And she never got to say goodbye.
She did however notice the shadow that stretched over her, and she glanced up fearfully, tears glistening on her face and eyes. A human was standing before her, staring down directly at her.
She let out a small squeak, cowering from the giant and burying her face in her arms, as if not witnessing him would make him go away. Another sob escaped her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, shivering violently.
"... Hey, why're you crying?" A soft male voice asked. She froze, her breath coming in shallow fast pants as she looked back up nervously, seeing that the human was crouching over her. She whimpered again, still feeling the tears roll down her cheeks. "Shhh shhh..." The human whispered, seeing how old she was as he gently reached down with both hands and cupped them around the diminutive child. "It's ok... It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you..." She whimpered again as the ground was suddenly replaced with skin, and she was gently lifted up in the air. She curled her miserable figure in a tighter ball, a little bit of her blood rubbing off on his palm.
"Is that blood?" She heard the human ask in disbelief. She shivered, despite starting to feel warm from the human's body heat, and felt a sob in the back of her throat. She whimpered again, feeling the salty tears trickling down her face as she cried.
She felt gravity pull against her a little as the human stood up, and he started walking while gently cradling the fragile girl against his chest as she passed out from exhaustion.


"N-N...." She started whimpering, turning over on soft material. "N-N-No pl-pl-please!" She cried out, twitching and curling herself up tightly. "N-n-no!"
"Hey... Hey, wake up." She was gently nudged on the shoulder, and her eyes flew open with a gasp, breathing heavily at the nightmare. Only it had happened, it hadn't been a dream. Sniffling as she felt tears resurface, she turned over, burying her face in the soft surface below, what felt like fabrics. "Shh shh shh..." She felt something stroke her back, which persuaded her tense muscles to relax as she continued to quietly cry.
"It's ok... Shh...." She felt her surroundings shift before she was embraced with skin, fabrics and warmth. The warmth was what got to her, as well as the soft murmurs as her quivering grew a little less, and she nestled in the hug. She felt the soft ground under her rise up and fall down a little as she heard a gentle rush of air, as well as a heartbeat. This confused her, but she didn't care as her grieving slowly yet gradually faded, then died down. She finally stopped crying, shivering here and there in the embrace as she felt something gently pet the top of her head in a soft, reassuring way.
"It's ok... You're not out in the cold on the streets..." The voice assured her. "You're safe now." She slowly glanced up, seeing finally that the human from before lay under her, staring at her with deep sympathy. Her eyes widened a little as she started trembling. "Shhh it's ok..." He cooed softly, shifting his arms over the girl's tiny figure. "It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you..." He gently lay his hand over the little girl, up to her shoulders to keep her warm. She shuddered for a second before closing her eyes, then shifted until she was fully under his fingers. She then turned over, noticing that her legs were wrapped in strips of thick white fabrics.
Maybe he really did care about her. But there was only one way to find out. She hesitantly squirmed out from under the old teenager's hand, picking herself up and wobbly stumbling forward, approaching his upper thorax. She clambered over to his neck, pressing against it before her fear fully evaporated. God he was so warm. She let out a small sigh of comfort, shifting a little until she was leaning against in the crook of his neck, closing her eyes peacefully as her slight quivers subsided. The human had made no move, and had only watched in surprise as the child had made her way to where she now was. He now smiled, resting his hand over the girl in a protective manner before grabbing a nearby blanket with in reach and covered most of himself with it, up to his shoulders and just enough to cover the one inch tall child.
"S-Samantha..." He heard a weak, tired and soft feminine voice say. He looked down, managing to see the girl sitting up and looking at him.
"Hmm?" He questioned. She blinked owlishly at him.
"M-my name..." She stammered. He nodded slowly in understanding. She was finally willing to trust him. The thought gave him a small glow of happiness.
"My name's Ty." He replied in a soft tone. She blinked a few times before laying back down and snuggling back against him. He covered her partially with his hand, gently hugging her against him. "So Samantha... Can I ask why you were all alone out on the streets?" He was met with a few seconds of silence before he heard the child whimper a little. Alarmed, he glanced down to see her pressed against his neck with her eyes squeezed shut. "Hey, I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." He quickly apologized, petting her head with the tip of his index. "Please don't cry..." She looked up at him with a devastated expression.
"M-my-my parents, th-th-they...." She trailed off, cowering back against him and hiding her face. He realized he knew the answer to his question now, and he gently stroked the young girl's back.
"... I'll take care of you." She looked back up at him with surprise.
"Wh... Wh-what?" She questioned. Ty slipped his hand under her and managed to pick her up, then sat up to face her directly.
"I'll take care of you." He repeated in a soft tone, letting his thumb rest on Samantha's head. She didn't flinch, just stared up at him with surprise before a happy and sad smile formed over her tiny mouth.
"Y-you re-really would?" She squeaked. Ty nodded before hugging her gently against his chest.
"Yeah. I really would."
Thus began the beginning of a beautiful friendship...

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