The Missing Sorcerer

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Two years. That's how long it'd been.

Two years since Team Crafted first broke up, two years since Seto Sorcerer's channel went on a hiatus. Two years since Ty had seen one of his closest friends.

Ty was hunched over his computer desk, staring at the blank screen and lightly rapping his fingers against the desk top, performing a "du-dun du-dun" beat. His hair was messy from having just woken up, yet his eyes had dark circles under them. He let out a long tired sigh, glancing at the clock. It was four in the morning.

He groaned inwardly and swiped his bangs out if his face, taking a shaky breath as he rubbed his eyes. That same dream always haunted him... For the past two years, he had hardly gotten any sleep, his dream being about Seto-- about Harvey. He couldn't stop thinking about the young brunette, he was like his brother, and then he had one day just... Disappeared. No word, no announcement, just gone.

He rested his hand on the side of his face, rubbing it as if to try to wake himself up. He had been the one person who had refused for Seto to be kicked out of the team, but that hadn't been enough, and now Ty still felt horrible about the entire incident, despite it being so long ago...

A sudden snap and a squeak made Ty look up, being snapped out of his self-pity. Ah yes, he had set out those mouse traps due to something eating bits of food. Had he finally caught it?

He slowly pushed his chair back and got up, stumbling out of his room in a sleep-deprived state as he yawned and headed into the living room. A flash of grey caught his eye, and he smiled in victory as he approached the mousetrap that had gone off. He caught it!

He knelt down and reached for the mousetrap, only to widen his eyes and pull back sharply, gasping in disbelief.

A tiny human was tugging on his cloak, which appeared to be caught under the metal rod. But it wasn't just any human; it was his long lost friend, the one and only Seto.

At Ty's gasp, the Seto-like-creature looked up, and his eyes widened before he ducked behind the cheese, whimpering in fear as Ty's mind whirled. 'How is this- what- this doesn't make any sense!'
 He retreated a foot back, his mouth open in bewilderment. 'Is that him? Is it really him? After all this time, is that what happened to him?'

He swallowed hard before slowly crawling forward, peeking at the creature. What had he even turned into? How had it happened?

His heart skipped a beat when he saw Seto's achingly-familiar cloak still in the trap, but the fastening had been undone. He looked around quickly, seeing Seto trying to make a break for it.

"No!" He darted forward and blocked his long lost friend's path, making Seto ram into it with a squeak of alarm. "Seto stop!" Ty pleaded. The creature didn't respond, trying to push past his hand. Then an idea came to Ty's mind.

"Harvey!" The little being froze, pressed against Ty's hand as his struggles ceased. Ty laid down on his stomach, securing his other hand to block any chance of escape in Seto's sight. The creature flinched back with a whimper and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"... H-How do you know my name?" Ty's eyes softened in dismay.

"Y... y-you don't... remember me?" He gently probed, unblocking Seto- or Harvey. Harvey shrank back a little, but he didn't run away.

"N-no?" Harvey meeped, quivering under the human's piercing gaze. "Sh-should I?" Ty stared at Harvey in disbelief. All this time, all the waiting, all the pain and yearning... and he didn't even remember his best friend?

"What happened to you?" Ty whispered, cautiously using his pinky to brush the fluffy bangs out of the tiny human's face. Harvey flinched back, but still held his ground.

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