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Adam sighed, rocking back and forth on his haunches with his legs cris-crossed, waiting for the irritated predator outside to move away from his hiding place so he could eat something. He had been so careful as to not leave a single trace of his presence to his kind's enemy, but despite his caution he felt sorry for the predator almost. He had heard throughout his growls of frustration and mumbles that he had never seen a borrower, let alone eaten one, and that it was causing quite a frustration to his instincts.

However, Adam didn't feel sorry enough to give himself up though, of course.

He stirred from his distant thoughts when he heard the predator's stomach growl, his breath quickening at the noise that could mean his demise, should he ever be found. He nervously peeked out of the shadows to see the predator's frustrated and pained expression, his chin resting on his hands for a few seconds before he got up from his seat at the dining table. Adam perked up, watching him walk over the fridge and open it, looking lost. He glanced at the predator, then slyly looked over at the pantry. Perhaps he could use the predator's irritation to his advantage.

He scampered over to the pantry, managing to pry open one door enough for him to squeeze into it. He flinched when his shoes scrabbled against the wooden ground, whirling around and shrinking back into the darkness of the pantry as the predator glanced around in confusion. He held his breath, fearful that he was done for, then felt dizzy with relief when the predator turned back to the fridge, sighing before abruptly slamming it shut. He flinched a little at the noise as the predator stalked over to his seat once more, making a high pitched growling sound while burying his head in his hands.

"Ergh... I'm never gonna get any peace and quiet," he grumbled, then fell silent. Adam crept back a little more, unaware of the precariously organized silverware behind him. "Why can't I-" Adam suddenly felt himself back into something cold, which fell over on him with a bang. He yelped as the rest of the silverware toppled over, and he lost his balance and fell to the floor, barely noticing the pain that bloomed in his arm.

He slowly rolled over onto his stomach after the world seemed to stop moving with a groan, tiredly glancing at his arm and seeing that his favorite jacket's sleeve was torn, and his skin felt warm and wet. 'Great, blood.' He groaned inwardly. 'Last thing I need is to be injured.' He turned back over and sat up, grunting in pain as he failed to realize the change in light. He let his head rest sideways in his hand, sighing quietly. If he was lucky, the predator would be searching the floor, or somewhere else or perhaps-

He felt his breath catch in his throat as he realized something finally, and he slowly looked up to see grey pants' fabrics blocking the view of his kitchen, as well as white textile of a shirt over an upper torso...

And the predator's head was only a foot away from him, staring at him directly.

He widened his eyes, quickly clambering to his feet and stumbling back a few steps in shock while he cradled his wounded arm to his chest. The predator's eyes remained fixed on him, looking torn almost as his gaze slowly traveled to the long cut on his skin.

"....... You're hurt..." He murmured. Adam remained quivering, his eyes locked on his mouth, where he knew were sharp fangs that could easily finish him off. Shuddering, he took a shaky step back despite seeing the glimmer of concern in the huge maroon eyes, and he backed up into the back wall of the pantry. Shivering, he shrank back and pressed against the wooden wall when the predator suddenly moved away and stuck his hand into the confined space, reaching out and groping for him. He felt a small whimper escape his throat, trembling violently as his instincts screamed at him.

As soon as the predator's hand finally contacted him, Adam gave in to his fear and acted, springing forward and actually biting his nearest finger. The predator jerked his hand back with a cross curse, and Adam sprinted forward to brush past his exit and dart for the table, in hopes to find a safe place.

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