Payback in an AU

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Dedicated to Banana_Skylox who wanted Deadlox as a predator and Sky as a prey (aka. Skylox vore), so while I made them so, there is actually no vore, but If you're a vore fan, go ahead and use this for an actual vore story by using the first half of this story, I gives da permission with credit appreciated, lol.

Adam Dahlberg wasn't just a living creature. He was like humans, except... Different. Different how? Being about an inch tall. He lived in a world far different than humans believed in, where instead of humans being at the top of the food chain, predators were.

What is a predator you ask? Well, most of them look like humans, except for some little clues to tip off Adam's kind, or prey. There were visible things like wolf, cat or fox ears under a hoodie, or a tail tucked in jeans, but there were also things not seeable on the outside, like a dragon hybrid with a storage stomach, or a predator with fangs and such. There were all kinds of predators, wolf, cat, dog, dragon... Even more, and some rare kinds were two of each at times, which were dangerous and showed little hint of being a predator.

Now prey were different. They were small, fast, agile. Humans called them Borrowers in fables. Everything that they did was for their survival, constantly stealing food to survive and such. There were a few different hybrids of prey, like predators, only they were less... Bloodthirsty. Over time, predators had grown an insane craving for prey, but long ago they had been kinder.

But anyway, back to the main character of this tale. Adam Dahlberg. He was a fine young man, proudly standing just over an inch tall, with golden-brown curly hair, golden-brown eyes and casual black grey and white clothes. He wasn't a hybrid, but he was incredibly fast.

He had been living in a cozy house for a few years, which had no humans living in it until today. And as he woke up, stretching, he started in surprise when he heard the front door being unlocked.

"Well then." He grumbled to himself before darting into the shadows, just before a young male walked in the house, glancing about. He looked like he was almost out of his teen years, with thick fluffly brown bangs that swept over his forehead and chocolate brown eyes.He was pretty tall too, which made Adam nervously shiver. 'Please go away, please go away...' He thought frantically. The elder teen glanced about the house a few more times before turning to the older male behind him, and saying three words that sent a shiver of dread down Adam's spine.

"I'll take it." His voice was deep, baritone, seeming to have a commanding edge to it almost as its notes vibrated the air around him. The real estate agent nodded, grinning.

"Come with me then Mr. Ellis, and the landlord and us can settle on a fair price then." 'Stupid landlord,' Adam thought grudgingly. As soon as the male left, leaving the door open, Adam picked himself up and wandered out from under the bed, then nervously glanced about his surroundings.

Suddenly the place felt less homely to him.


Over the next few days, Adam ended up staying cowering under the bed since the human was moving in all of his stuff, which meant his daily routine would be far more loid. He spent the days sitting in the darkness, ignoring the empty feeling in his stomach and waiting for the human to settle down. He knew he needed food, but he didn't want to risk it, instead letting the time fly, letting his mind drift, and at one point he even learned the human's name: Ty.

There was finally one day when he blinked awake at the creaking sound of the bed, and he realized the human was laying down on it. 'Finally!' He almost sighed aloud, reminding himself that he needed to stay quiet. He slowly got up, flinching at the stiffness in his legs, and silently crept over the carpet and to the edge of the shadows, peeking out and looking up.

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