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Adam scuttled behind the bookshelf, hiding for a second before nervously peeking out. He had just moved to a brand new place, and now he was scoping it out. He was rather eager to learn about the residents of this home, and what they were like. Unlike most borrowers, Adam was fascinated with humans, what they did for work, their habits, their interests, anything worth trying out for himself.

After a couple of hours of exploring, Adam discovered that there was only one human living here, and he was young, a teenager but almost a young adult. This human would sometimes talk to no one in particular, joking as if he had an audience, and then joked when he did have an audience at the recording desk. Adam guessed that he was YouTuber, but he wasn't 100% sure.

He'd also do things like mess around with his cat-- which Adam did NOT like-- garden his outdoor plants... Then the borrower picked up some something. There were a lot of comic book posters, and then there was the collections of comic books. They were all Marvel-- whatever that was-- but it sounded intriguing to Adam.

After a few days, he had been scavenging for food when he noticed one of these comic books were sitting out, on the desk and looking partially read. Adam stopped and stared at the colorful panels, finding himself munching on his lunch as he read. The human was asleep, so he was safe for now. He turned the page-- and page turned into pages quickly. He loved the comic book fandom already, despite hardly knowing anything about them. And when he retreated back into hiding before the human could possibly discover him, that was when the obsession began.

Every day for at least a week Adam would impatiently wait for the human to fall asleep, then scuttle over to a comic book carefully left out open, and he would read. It was just so exciting, the plots left him hanging, the drawings were done really good, and there was more than one superhero.

Then one day, the obsession costed him.

As soon as Adam heard the human's breathing slow, he darted out from behind the bookshelf and scuttled across the floor, heading up to the towering chair and managing to hop up onto it. He eventually clambered onto the desk, and he lit up when he saw the comic book.

' Hmm, one about a guy named... "Deadpool"; cool!' He smiled happily and started reading-- however, he didn't notice the human had woken up after about an hour, staring right at him and looking completely bewildered.

' What the heck is that?' He wondered. What was it doing? Where had it come from? It looked humanish, so could it talk? Questions were running through the brunette's mind, and he pushed his bangs out of his face before turning over while laying back down to pretend he was still asleep. The noise of a page being slowly turned over stopped, and when the teenage human strained his hearing, he could actually hear tiny fast breaths being taken.

'It's scared.' His expression softened as he stared at the wall. 'And as a tiny little thing like that, it must be starved too, the poor little guy.' He heard a quick patter of footsteps, and when he turned over again with his eyes almost fully closed-- to pretend he was still asleep-- he spotted a small figure scampering across the carpet and into hiding.

The human-- Ty -- found that throughout the next day his eyes scanned the floor, as if expecting to see the tiny creature running around. However, he never did see Adam, and he sighed before sitting back in his chair.

' Maybe he's scared,' he thought, popping a rolo in his mouth and sucking on it as he went into deep thought. ' I mean if I were like an inch tall, I think I'd be pretty scared too, and...' He stopped mid-chew and looked at the rolo wrapper in hand. '... And hungry...' He blinked before quickly getting up and striding out of his room, jogging to the kitchen and rummaging through the cabinets before grabbing some bread. He grinned in victory and grabbed a water bottle, and headed back to his room. He ripped off some of the bread to munch on himself, while pouring a little water in the cap before taking a swig. He then set the bread and water down next to the comic book he had been reading and sat back, pleased with himself.

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