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"I said give me your lunch you bug!" Adam let out a painful squeal as he fell back on his haunches, having been bowled over by a predator's merciless finger. The neko crouched over him, his other two friends watching eagerly. "Come on-- cough it up!" The neko sneered. "Or else I'll just make you my lunch!" Adam fearfully yielded a pitiful-sized piece of bread and cowered on the ground, hearing the predator stomp his foot down before they all walked away. Adam peeked up to see the remains of his dusty meal smashed to shreds.

'Now what am I gonna eat?' His stomach growled piteously, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything for a long time. It was those three nekos' fault; everytime he found something edible, they'd always swoop in and end up depriving him of his lunch. He sat up with a shiver, hearing the lunch bell ring, and he whimpered plaintively. He just wanted to fit in, to have friends, but he couldn't even have that!

A few years ago his parents had dropped him off in a special school to get away from Adam, leaving him stranded with no parents nor guardians, nor friends or family. This school was designed specially for predators and borrowers in hopes of uniting the two species, which turned out to be a fail so far. There was mostly two separate sections of the campus, one for each group, and some fair equal ground that borrowers usually didn't use-- except for Adam. It offered a shorter route to his class before lunch, and he didn't have the energy to go around.

Adam sniffled and rubbed his eyes before picking himself up and recollecting his books, shoving them in his bag with a frustrated mood. He was so sick of not belonging!

He rushed into the borrower cafeteria, seeing several borrowers talking and eating with each other. His heart sank at seeing how happy they all were. He headed over to the nearest empty table and slumped down in a chair, sighing sadly as he drowned out the noises of endless chatter and meditated.

"Oh, are you a new guy? Sweet, so the people you wanna avoid is that group over there..." Adam gritted his teeth when his extremely sharp ears teased out a conversation, and he knew immediately that it wouldn't end good. "... Yeah, and that guy over there? Sitting by himself, with the freaky gold eyes? You wanna avoid him too."

"How come?"

"Well let's see: He never talks to anyone, he doesn't eat, there's the eyes, and--" Adam sharply stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder, interrupting the conversation by striding out of the lunchroom. He headed to the corridor that was fair grounds and sat down next to a tree, sniffling as he buried his face in his knees. It just wasn't fair! What did he do to deserve to be labeled as a freak!? Just because he had gold eyes and sharp senses didn't make him weird, did it?

He heard footsteps heading for him, and he whimpered fearfully.

"I-I don't-I don't have any more food!" He squealed instinctively. "P-Please don't eat me!" Fortunately for him, and to his surprise, he received an answer different than what he expected.

"Eat you? Why would I do that?" He looked up sharply to see that I wasn't one of those selfish or mean nekos, but instead was a different predator altogether. He had slightly broad shoulders, but was pretty lithe, fluffy brown hair with bangs threatening to cover one eye, and his eyes were a maroon color. Adam's nostrils twitched as he sniffed fearfully, trembling a little as the predator crouched down. "I saw what those bastards did to you earlier," he continued, looking sympathetic. "You ok?" Adam's eyes widened in surprise. A predator was asking if he was ok?

"I..." He was struggling to answer, having been caught off guard, and the predator's gaze slid to his bag.

"You said you didn't have any more lunch right?" Adam nodded timidly, still trying to wrap his mind around this surprising situation. "Well why don't I just share my lunch with you!" The predator suggested. Adam's eyes rounded even more.

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