The Predator Prince

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"Prince Tyler? Prince Tyler it's morning, wake up!" The prince's manservant opened the curtains, making the sleeping predator on the bed groan and burrow under the covers.

"Seto, how many times have I told you to call me Ty? 'Prince Tyler' is just too formal." He complained. Seto grinned sheepishly as Ty sat up, shirtless with his fluffy auborn hair in a complete mess. He climbed out of bed as Seto brought over a neat bundle of clothes and set them down on the end table. Ty yawned and attempted to fix his hair before taking up the daily attire in his arms and beginning to put them on.

"So Seto, what's on the agenda today?" He inquired while putting on a white tabard.

"Eh... N-Nothing." He stopped halfway through throwing a green cloak over his shoulders.

"Wh- what!?" He squawked. Seto cringed a little.

"Uh, y-yes, his majesty is taking care of the city's army, he has them- Prince T- I mean Ty- where are you going?" Ty had whisked past Seto and rushed to his doors to open them before slipping on black boots over his grey breeches.

"To talk to my father!" He called out before striding off. Seto sighed and stared after the eccentric prince, shaking his head and chuckling softly to himself. When Seto had first become the prince's servant, he had accidentally used magic in front of Ty in order to save his life from an assassin, but the prince had been grateful, promising to keep his secret. And ever since then the two had become close friends.

Turns out not all princes act like spoiled brats.

"... Yes Markus, distribute some soldiers here, and-" Ty opened the grand doors and walked in, seeing the king of Vorakia--his father-- speaking to the general.

"Father," he said in a demanding tone. "Why is it that for the fourth day in a row, I am to do nothing!?" The king looked over at the irritated prince before murmuring to Markus, "Leave us." The general hurried away, leaving Ty and his father alone.


"No, I am supposed to be training the new soldiers as my rightful duty-"

"Which the young swordsman Ian is taking care of," the king snapped, gesturing at the window. Ty glanced outside, seeing the pointed out black-haired and blue-eyed predator outside, showing a new recruit how to use more of his wrist in his sword strikes. He rolled his eyes at the male.

"But still father," he protested. "I have duties, and you have forbade me from following them. Why!?"

"Because the kingdom has never been more prosperous." His father replied calmly. "I have been trying to give you a window of opportunity at a break, son, you deserve it. You have been overworking yourself much more than you should be at your age." Ty sighed.

"Please, father, give me something to do, anything!" The royal predator pleaded.

"Uh, your Majesty?" Both royals turned to see the cook, looking a bit awkward at interrupting the discussion. The king sighed.

"What is it Quentin?" He asked the young cook.

"Well, I was doing my duty sire, when I caught this..." Ty widened his eyes when Quentin pulled out of his pocket from behind a shoulder strap of his satchel, a small human-like creature, upside down by the legs and letting it flail to try to escape... Vainly. "...this borrower." He finished. "Trying to steal."

"Well, this is perfect! Tyler will take care of it." His father's comment dazed Ty.

"Hhh?" Was all he uttered.

"Tyler, go back to your chambers, I'll have that serving boy of yours send it there. And then you can do your kingdom a duty by vanquishing a pesky pest. After all, you wanted something to do."

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