Merry Xmas (Eve :3)

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Ty sleepily opened one eye, being greeted with the morning sunlight. He yawned and turned his head to rest his cheek on the warm bed sheets, sighing softly as he closed his tired eyes. He almost fell back asleep when a small shift from under his jacket woke him again, and he shook his head slightly, slowly rolling over to lay on his back.

"Adam, how many times have I told you to wake me when you use me as your sleeping-place?" He mumbled drowsily. He waited a brief moment before a tiny head appeared from under the top of his jacket at the upper thorax region, yawning and using its hands to rub its sleepy eyes.

"Sorry..." Adam yawned. "You just looked like you were sleeping really good..." Ty chuckled as the little borrower snuggled his chest, and he rested his hand over him to keep him warm.

"Look, I know winter's almost upon us and everything, but when I'm hibernating, then you can cuddle me in my sleep all you want," he joked a little, pausing to stifle a yawn before continuing. "But since I'm still here, like uh... mentally I suppose, I want you to tell me, so that way I don't like crush you in my sleep or... Or the other thing."

"Ok..." Adam's eyes were already closed, contently nuzzling the predator. Ty sighed and gently stroked the smaller creature's back, glancing at his clock.

"Mm, well I guess since it's early, you can go back to sleep here if you want," he decided, using his other hand to rub his eyes tiredly.

"Mm...k...." He smiled softly at the mumbled words, sitting up a little and cupping the borrower to his chest to cuddle him.

"Look at the bright side," he offered. "Martin's gonna hibernate over here and bring his borrower, so you won't be alone." At that, the sleepy brunette lifted his head up.

"Really!?" He squeaked, quickly sitting up and making Ty laugh softly at his sudden energetic-ness.

"Yeah, been a while since you've seen Seto hasn't it?" Before Adam could reply, the phone suddenly rang, making him yelp and hide under his larger friend's jacket as Ty snickered.

"It's not funny!" Adam barked, but soon started laughing to himself as Ty managed to grab the nearby phone to answer it.

" Hullo?" He asked, stifling a yawn before stopping in the middle of it. "Oh hey Ian! Yeah. Yeah of course you can. Great! Adam will be thrilled. Alright ba-bai." He hung up, setting the phone back down on the end table before looking down to see Adam lying on his collarbone.

"What'd Ian want?" He demanded curiously.

"Ian's coming over for hibernating as well!" With that Adam burst into a smile.


"Yep, he's bringing Jason over too." Adam pumped his fist in the air while Ty stifled another yawn, closing his eyes for a few seconds. "Ah... They won't be here until the afternoon though, so we got..." He paused to look at the clock. "... About three more hours... At least."

"Three more hours of sleep in my book, hallelujah." Adam mumbled, yawning before snuggling Ty. The predator grinned crookedly, giggling softly before tickling Adam's side. The little borrower squealed in surprise, rolling over to go into a fetal position.

"Nu dun!" He squeaked, writhing as Ty smirked and continued playing with the small creature. He watched fondly as Adam bat the air before finally grabbing his finger and hugging it. He laughed and lifted his hand up to carry Adam up into the air, smirking at him. There was even one point where he playfully bared his fangs, but Adam only laughed, knowing he wasn't going to hurt him. After a few more minutes of joking around, Ty finally relaxed with a sigh, laying on his side as Adam curled up in his flank, laying contently on top of him and nuzzling his shirt.

"... Has anyone ever told you you're warm?" Adam murmured, petting the predator happily. Ty murred and stretched under the borrower, sighing softly and kneading the pillows.

"Mmm... Nope." He hummed as Adam scooted up onto his shoulder, rumbling with a quiet baritone purr at the small creature's movements.

"Well you're very warm."

"Why thank you." Ty purred again and curled up on the soft covers, kneading the blanket. "If I had cat ears and a tail like normal cat predators, I swear that they'd be going crazy."

"I believe ya!" Adam laughed, nuzzling the predator. Ty grinned, then yawned and grabbed the blanket to cover himself and the little borrower with it.

"Mm... Well at least since we don't eat borrowers we get to stick around long enough for Christmas... Sometimes." He continued with a yawn that proved his point, saying no more.

"Yeah..." Adam nuzzled his larger friend happily. "Merry Christmas." Ty snorted in humor.

"It's not even Christmas Eve."

"Well not yet," Adam softly protested, petting the predator and making him purr softly again. "I'm just saying it while I can, y'know? Just in case."

"Yeah trust me, I'm sticking around." Ty turned his head at the borrower, smirking. "You're not free of me just yet," he teased, moving to lightly prod Adam and make him squeak in protest.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, tackling Ty's hand. They both laughed and kept joking around for a little bit longer, when the call of sleeping hit Ty, and he yawned.

"Alright seriously, let's get some sleep." He directed, cuddling Adam to his chest as he relaxed.

"Mmm... Ok." Adam yawned, curling up in his gentle embrace before slowly falling asleep. Ty stayed awake for a few minutes longer, watching over his friend until he fell asleep, then he relaxed with eyes closed and gradually faded into unconsciousness.

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