Chapter 78 ~Something Strange~

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Songs For Chapter:

R City ft. Adam Levine- Locked Away

One Direction- Drag Me Down !!! ♚♔

One Direction- 18

One Direction- Something Great

Your P.O.V

"Hey Justin!" His mom squeals running up to him. "Hey mom," he says swooping her into a big hug. He picks her up and spins her around before setting her back down on the front porch.

I hadn't realize that I was staring until she opened her eyes and made eye contact with me.

I can't believe she saw Justin and I making out on her porch. Most importantly, I can't believe I gave into him like that. Not even a second into meeting his family and I already gave a bad impression.

I may not be wearing slutty attire but I know that's probably what she thinks of me.

She eyes me up and down repeatedly making me more agitated than I was before. Her eyes trail up to my hair and falls back down to my eyes.

I hope she stops looking at me like that, I can feel her eyes burning holes into mine.

Justin furrows his eyebrows and looks back and forth between his mom and I. His mom then breaks out into a smile.

Is that fake? Or is Real?

I smile back so she doesn't think any less of me then she probably already does.

"You must be Y/n," one of us finally speaks.

"And you must be," I pause. Justin never told me his moms name! How many horrible impression am I going to portray?

"Justin's mom. Nice to meet you," I say still wearing that pathetic excuse of a smile. I can't help it that I'm nervous and I know Justin notices by the look he's giving me.

"Mom, this is the girl I've been talking to you about," he smiles before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Well you obviously didn't tell her enough about me!" She says swapping his arm.

"Ouch!" He says rubbing it. "I was too busy telling you about her these past couple months."

If it was even possible, this little fighting over me play caused me more stress. At this point I don't know what to do.

"Well you could've found time out of your busy schedule to tell her at least my name," she retorts emphasizing the busy.

"Come on Y/n, let me introduce myself because someone clearly didn't think to do so already," she says eyeing Justin.

She hooks onto my arm and allures me into her what seems to be beautiful home.

I look back at Justin and he mouths me relax while lowering his hands in slow motion. He breaks out into a smile hoping I'd mimics it but I shake my head. I can't find myself to do so. I already know she's not very fond of me.

He frowns, disappointment conspicuous in his eyes.

I turn around so I don't have to see it. I hate when he's disappointed in me.

Justin's mom leads me into the kitchen and she takes a seat.

I don't really know if I should sit or whatever so I just lean against the counter and scratch my arm; a habit I've acquire when nervousness takes over.

"Oh honey it's okay, take a seat. I don't bite," she smiles at me.

When I look up at her, I really take in the time to study her features. She's really beautiful.

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