Your P.O.V
•The night before you leave New York•
I came home from shopping for new outfits to wear when seeing Justin. I bought a teal shirt with studs on the shoulders, white high heels, a black and white dress that stops under my butt, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
I begin to pack up my close for what's soon going to be called the best 4 days of my life. I throw in a whole bunch of clothes in my luggage cause I can't chose which one would impress him more. My phone begins to vibrate on the table and I check who it is. Well who else would it be?
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey Y/n are you ready to leave tomorrow?" Usher says.
"Yeah I'm packing my stuff now."
"Okay Paul and I will pick you guys up with the limo tomorrow and we'll just head to the airport."
"Got it. Okay I'm gonna finish packing now bye," I say about to hang up.
"Oh and Y/n." "Yeah?" I say connecting the phone to my ear again.
"Do you mind staying at Justin's house or do you prefer a hotel?" Usher asks me.
Justin wants me to stay at his house?
My heart stops. I don't even know if this is a good idea but hell, it's Justin Bieber and it's been my dream to go in his house.
"Oh, um okay," I say with a quivery voice. "But can India and everyone else stay too," I ask.
"I'll ask him but I'm sure he'll be okay with it," he tells me.
Justin's so chill.
"Okay thank you."
Damn I should've bought pajamas. My pajamas have monkeys, bubbles, unicorns, and all these other baby stuff on them.
If Justin sees them, he'll just laugh. I would be surprised if he didn't.
"Aight well bye Y/n," Usher says.
"Okay bye."
I decide to text my best friends India, Trevor, Mat and Jones to tell them about my situation.
To be honest, I'm nervous. Of course I'm nervous. I've always loved Justin and he always meant the world to me. Now it's the first time I get to see him. Not only see him but be in the same house as him and everything.
I need to learn how to control myself so I don't cry because if I cry, he will think I'm weird and won't like me. He would just see me as another belieber.
I want to stand out.
Before I can call India she beats me to it.
"Hey Y/n."
"Hey India I need some help."
"With what babe?" She says. "You know how we are going to see Justin and his crew tomorrow right?"
"Yeah?" She says. "Well you already know how much I love him. So I'm nervous about meeting him cause he probably won't like me and I'm...
"Just be you," she interrupts.
"Huh?" I say confused.
"I think the reason he invited you out of all people is because he likes something about you so stop worrying. I'm gonna be there too and I'll help you get through it."
"Thanks India, you always make me feel better. What time are you and the guys coming?" I ask.
My best friends were going to sleep over my house today so that we could leave early in the morning without any traveling issues.

One Life
FanficFour days. That's all it took for Justin Bieber to start falling for new 18 year old popstar y/f/n(your full name). She never knew if she could fall again after her last boyfriend. She liked Justin ever since she was a little girl but is unsure if h...