Chapter 34 ~Stop!~

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Songs For Chapter:

Justin Bieber- As Long As You Love Me

Justin Bieber- All Bad

John Legend- You and I

Your P.O.V

I begin to panic immensely as I glare at the caller ID. It was my dad. I looked up at the time noticing that it read 10:53. Justin takes his eyes off the road when he notices me sitting uneasily in my seat.

"What's wrong?" Justin says worried. I show him the missed call from my dad. He looks at the missed call with a calm expression, no anxiety feeling in sight.

"Justin why are you not worried about this?" I ask. "Like I said, it's not that serious calm down babe," he says. "Justin you don't understand. My dad can fight! He almost fought Mat this one time because he thought Mat was trying to hook up with me. He fights every guy who tries to flirt with my mom and he fought-,"

"Then let him fight," Justin interrupts.
"He can fight me but I won't fight back."

I won't just sit there allowing my father to hurt my baby.

"I won't let you do it," I blurt out. He sighs deeply and rolls his eyes.

I begin to panic because I don't know what to do.

"Baby please calm down," he says attempting to reach out to me. I turn away from his touch resting my elbow on the door. My face rests on the palm of my hand as I stare at the stars. Lord please protect my baby.

My phone begins to buzz again and I look at Justin before picking it up. He causally nods. I clear my throat before clicking the answer button.

"Hello," I say agitated. "Where the hell are you," my dad yells. I slightly pull the phone away from my ear so he doesn't blast my ear drum.

"Oh me and India went to the movies but we're on our way home now," I lie. I look over at Justin and notices he's giving me the "what the hell" face. I nervously smile at him.

"That's bs Y/n and you know it. I called India and it didn't seem like she was at no damn movie theaters," he yells. Oh well that lie didn't work too well. I stay silent for a moment.

"Are you out with him?" He says practically screaming in my ear even though the phone is not on my ear. I don't answer. "Are you?" He repeats even louder.

Justin rolls his eyes do to the silent treatment I'm giving my father. "Yeah she is," he replies for me. I look at Justin and silently mouth him what the hell.

"Didn't I tell your ass to stay away from her?" My dad says. "I'm sorry that I disobeyed your orders sir but I love her and there's nothing you can do about it," Justin says.

I lightly smile at him but suddenly stop when I realize how crazy he is for talking to my father like that.

"Alright kid. Bring your little ass and my daughters back to my house and see if you'll disobey me again," my dad says menacingly. Justin lightly giggles and replies okay. My dad hangs up and I hit Justin's arms.

"What!" He yells. I put my hands on my forehead and sigh deeply. We both stay silent for the rest of the ride.

We arrive at my house and I look up and see my dad waiting outside my gate.

"Go inside the house," Justin orders. "No," I say. "Go inside!" He repeats. "No," I retort. "My gosh babe why do you have to make things more difficult than it already is? Just go inside the damn house please," he growls.

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