(Like to take this time to wish my Queen Bey happy birthday! She slayyss and without her, I wouldn't be doing what I love. Bow down b--- Anyways, Had writers block! If you want anything to happen in the story, you can comment whatever you want & I might just take your ideas. Don't be afraid this is you & Justin and I'm not a mean person all the time. Don't forget to VOTE!!!! 15+ votes?)
Songs For Chapter:
Sam Smith- La La La
Sam Smith- Good Thing
•Last Day Living in New York•
Your P.O.V
I wake to a loud ringing noise coming from the nightstand. I slowly open my eyes but quickly squint them as the sun peaks through the blinds instantly hitting my eyes. Justin groans, turning away from the ringing noise.
I grab my phone to look at the caller ID. I see India's name but I decline the call. I don't wanna wake Justin anymore than the phone did.
I send her a quick message saying
"What do you want, I'm sleeping."
I set my phone down without locking it. I see the three little dots representing that she's typing and I quickly hit the back space so she doesn't think I was staring, waiting for her to text back.
My phone vibrates and I click on our messages.
"Ummm, excuse mee how you just gonna ignore my call. It's your last day here, we need to hang out. I'm not letting my best friend just leave like that."
I lightly giggle before texting back "Fine hoe, what time."
"-_- come over at 1:00, I'm not a hoe," she replies.
"Haha okay, whatever you say."
I set my phone back on the nightstand after checking the time.It was 12:00 so I decided I should get up now since I take a while to get ready. I walk into the bathroom first brushing my teeth.
After I finish, I play my Sam Smith playlist to take a shower to. I turn the faucet on and make sure the water is not too cold. Once I'm ready I step inside, wetting my tensed body.
All this packing I did these past few days was a work out and I can't believe my last day is finally here. Now that I think of it, this is the last time I'm gonna be showering in this bathroom for God knows how long.
I'm gonna miss my family like hell! I'm use to waking up and seeing them but Justin and I have to be together if we want this thing to work.
I wish there was a way that I could live with Justin but still have my family by my side. I know for a fact they won't move to California anyway. They're too comfortable.
"I'm covering my ears like a kid, when your words mean nothing I go La La La. I'm turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can't stop it, I found a way to block it I go," I sing along with Sam Smith.
Sam has such a wonderful voice and he is filled with so much talent. I hope that one day I can meet him and befriend him.
I shave everything I need to before shampooing and soaping.
After about 30 minutes I step out of the shower because everything is too steamy for me to breath in. I wrap the towel around my body before stepping on the bathroom mat. I blow dry my hair styling it into a bun. I lotion myself before stepping out of the bathroom.
I walk out capturing Justin on his phone texting. He looks up at me and I smile. I purse my lips in a kissy face and squint my eyes and he does the same.
I bite my lip furrowing my eyebrows doing the "Bieber face". He does the same and I just laugh.
"You're so weird," I finally say, breaking the silent communication. "You started it," he laughs. "Well you went along with it."
"Morning," Justin says walking over to me, kissing my forehead before walking into the bathroom. "Morning," I reply.
I drop my towel before putting my under garment on. I walk over to one of my boxes grabbing a cute light pink summer dress that had a little hole around the chest along with a matching pair of light pink gladiators.
I pull my dress on followed by my gladiators. I wear one of my diamond crusted bracelets along with Justin's necklace.
"Where you going?" Justin asks me walking out of the bathroom. "Out with India." "You're just gonna leave me here?" He fake cries with a pouty face. "I'll be back. It's my last day here so she wanted to hang out," I say pinching his cheek. I kiss his pouty lips before spraying perfume.
"You have security?" He asks. "I don't need security her house is close by and where ever we decide to go, we'll be fine," I say and Justin just looks at me weird. I roll my eyes.
"You go out with your friends without security sometimes also." "No, I do go with security." "Well you always decide to go to big places. If I need security I'll just call Paul okay?" I say but he doesn't look convinced.
"Justin I'm fine," I say pecking his lip. "Why don't you just call Paul now?" "Justin please! I told you a million times I'll be fine, trust me."
He's such a caring boyfriend and I love that but he's annoying. He sighs finally giving in. Actually, Justin never gives in.
He makes ways to get what he wants and I honestly hate that. I'm hoping he's not planning anything right now. I grab my phone and purse before walking downstairs followed by Justin.
"I'll be back!" I shout to whoever's listening. "Umm, where you going?" My mother says running out of the kitchen with her apple apron. She's so cute. "Out with India." "But this is your last day here, you can't leave." "I'll be back before dinner, okay mom?" "But-" "Please," I say begging her.
"Fine, be back by 6." "7?" I try to convince. "6:30, and that's that," she says. "Fine. Bye," I say kissing her cheek. I walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I grab a granola bar before stepping out.
"Justin!" My mother says hugging Justin. "Morning Mrs. Y/l/n," Justin greets hugging back. "Wanna help me bake cookies for tonight?"
"I'd love to," Justin says in a sweet, raspy tone and I hold in my laugh. He's so respectful to her when deep down I know he doesn't really want to bake cookies. At least he's bonding with one of my parents which makes me happy.
"Okay well you two have fun," I say chuckling. I wave them goodbye before stepping out.
They're so cute Justin.
Short update. So school starts on Monday 😩✋😔 D'; I don't know if I'll be very active cause I'll probably be exhausted every day coming back from school. Lol I was about to type in work. I'll try updating at least something small till Monday like this so by the time I get to school, you'll already be living with Justin. I'm gonna buy my jawdinzz today and I'm excited about that. Forgive me I had this ready since yesterday morning. If you wanna see the picture of the dress view my twitter listed down below on the picture that says "Last Day"
I had a dream that Justin was about to notice me then I woke up! My dreams don't even wanna make this possible
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Wattpad: BizzlesCherie

One Life
FanfictionFour days. That's all it took for Justin Bieber to start falling for new 18 year old popstar y/f/n(your full name). She never knew if she could fall again after her last boyfriend. She liked Justin ever since she was a little girl but is unsure if h...