Song For Chapter:
Beyoncé- Jealous
Mat's P.O.V
Hey Mat!" Y/n excitedly says to me. I come down the steps and this is what I see? She basically is grabbing Justin's cock. What the hell am I experiencing right now.
"Hi," I quietly respond. She slowly removes her hand from his lower stomach. She doesn't even seem to notice how inappropriate that was.
I hate the fact that she's all preppy and crap, and I'm over here aggravated about what she said last night. "I don't see him as my boyfriend."
She chooses this guy over the one who always stuck by her. Damn right I don't like him. It's just the way he thinks he's better than everyone and he's always so close to her. It's like he only invited her here to become her boyfriend or something.
"Hey Mat," Justin says to me.
Don't talk to me.
I give him the most fake smile in the world and sit down across from Y/n. Since Justin already took my seat original seat next to her.
"So what were you guys talking about?" I ask them hoping only Y/n would answer.
"The tour," her and Justin say at the same time and they both begin to laugh.
Haha, "se'cute."
Stop laughing.
We awkwardly sit there till Trevor, and India walk in.
Thank God.
"Woahh thanks Justin," India says smiling. "Oh, I didn't cook that, Y/n did. I just prepared the table," Justin says giggling.
Oh so you made her cook. What a way to make her feel welcomed.
He thinks his laugh is cute or something? He would've thought.
"Really?" India says looking at Y/n.
"Yeah I got bored and I was the only one awake so why not?" Y/n blushes. Her rosey cheeks are the most precious thing in the world. Well of course, after her smile.
India sits next to Trevor while and I'm sat next to him too.
When Jones and Usher came downstairs, we all began to eat.
Justin's P.O.V
"Y/n are you ready yet!" I shout. "Not yet," she shouts back from upstairs.
I sign in frustration. Girls take way too long to get ready. We have to be there now to rehearse how they would plan this concert.
Y/n and I have to be there first but Mat of course is coming.
"Come on Y/n!" I shout annoyed.
"Coming!" She says running down the steps.
Even dressed in a simple black dress and black heels makes her look beautiful.
"You look beautiful," I say.
"Thank you," she blushes.
"You're also cute when you blush," I say biting my lip.
Her cheeks completely turn hot as she blushes even more.
"Stop making me blush you're.."
"Okay can we go now?" Mat says annoyed.
I roll my eyes.
She nods and us three walk out.
Just as I'm about to grab ahold of her hand to keep her steady on her heels, Mat does. That's great.
Your P.O.V
I seen Justin about to grab my hand. He did that earlier to help me stay steady on my heels. I don't know what's wrong with Mat this week but he's being very clingy.
He knows how much I love Justin.
I want Justin to like me and hang out with me without him thinking that Mat doesn't like him or that there's something going on between us. He's really getting on my nerves.
Annoyance takes over me and I pull away. I walk over to Justin impulsively leaving Mat in disgust, anger, and provocation.
"Really?" Mat says while looking at me. Obviously too loudly since Justin heard him.
I could tell when he turn towards him.
We step inside the car and take our seats. The ride is completely silent. Mat sits very far from me while Justin sits right next to me. I'm not use to this feeling. Mat is always beside me. I want to speak to release some tension but I also don't want to make it worse or have him become clingy again.
Once we get to the arena we step out together and Mat follows behind. Too much behind. I feel bad for pulling away I was just really annoyed. I love him I really do as a friend and I have to fix this.
"Okay so Y/n you will start to perform at 7:15," a man says.
"Okay got it, thanks," I say.
My dancers were staying at a hotel this whole time and they are coming to meet me soon.
I watch as Justin rehearses with his dancers. He's so flawless. The way he moves with swag not attitude. He turns to me and sees me watching him. he sends me a smile and a wink. My cheeks flush in embarrassment.
Really Y/n? Really?
I snap out of my trans when I realize Grandpa hasn't been all up in my ears for the last 7 minutes. Mat is not in sight. I wander off to go looking for him. I check every single room and he was no where to be found.
I checked outside and even ask that man who told me my schedule earlier to check the boys bathroom. His name is Scrappy.
He told me he wasn't so I thanked him and apologized for wasting his time.
I can't find him anywhere! Where could he be? I began to panic. I hope I didn't hurt him badly. I love Mat, he's my best friend. I would never wanna hurt him.
"Mat!" I say stepping outside again.
I sigh in relief when I see him sitting near a rock.
"Mat! Where have you been I was looking for you! Got me worried sick!" I say. My hearts beating out of my chest.
"You were huh? Why don't you just spend time with your boyfriend," Mat says obviously full of resentment.
"What are you talking about? Justin and I are not dating! You know I'm not looking for a relationship," I fire back.
"Exactly!! Ever since you got here all you did was hang out with him act like he's the sweetest guy in the world when you don't know him! How do you know he didn't just invite you here to get in your pants? He barely talks to you about your singing! Not one compliment! Only about your body. In my honest opinion your acting like a hoe."
Before he can add on, my hand meets his face creating a large sound that resonated through the parking lot.
No one going to call me a hoe and get away with it.
"Maybe all these years you were too blind to notice, but I have loved him ever since I was 12 years old. I never got to meet him, see him or go to his concert. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't disrespect me like that. Oh and I'm sorry for trying to get to know him in person instead of the Internet when I always loved him. For your information, talking to him doesn't make me a hoe when I don't have a boyfriend. I don't even want a relationship right now. The sad part is that you already know that. You had me worrying sick, looking for you everywhere! I asked people to check in the bathroom to look for you! And I find you to hear this shit?" I say walking away.
I shake my head.
"And I'm sorry if you felt that there was something going on between us," I say stopping dead in my track, gesturing to both of us.
I can't help but let the tears fall down my face.
I begin to run down this obscure street. I don't really know where I'm going, all I know is that it better not be near Mat.
Sorry it's short but I was tired goodnight. :(

One Life
FanfictionFour days. That's all it took for Justin Bieber to start falling for new 18 year old popstar y/f/n(your full name). She never knew if she could fall again after her last boyfriend. She liked Justin ever since she was a little girl but is unsure if h...