Chapter 16 ~What's Happening~

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Nobody's P.O.V

You wake up to a hard surface with an arm wrapped your waist keeping you close. It was Justin. You were nuzzled into his neck and his arm was keeping you very close to his warm body. He was still sleeping.

He looked so adorable while sleeping which made you smile. You try to break free from his grip without waking him but you couldn't, his arm is too heavy. He flutters his eyes open and looks down at you.

"Good Morning," he mumbles and smiles lightly.

"Morning," you smile back. You try to stand up from the bed but Justin pulled you close.

"No stay with me," he pleads.

"Justin I'm getting up now," you laugh. He groans and lets you go. You walk into your room and walk into the bathroom.

You grab your toothbrush and brush your teeth. You step into the shower and wait for the water to get hot. Once it's ready, you step into the shower. 30 minutes later you step out and grab your towel. You walk into your room and find Justin laying on your bed.

"Justin!" You scream.

"What," he giggles.

"I'm changing so get out."

"Wait, you're naked under there?" He says with a confused expression.

"No I'm wearing a towel for no apparent reason," you say sarcastically.

"Don't get smart with me," he says.

"Just did," you say raising your eyebrows and slightly widening your eyes. Justin stands up and walks towards you getting ready to tickle you.

"Justin not now I don't have any clothes on."

"That's fine with me," he smirks. You push him towards the door with one hand as your other hand holds your towel.

"I'm changing now."

"Fine," he says and walks to his room. You close the door making sure it's locked. You put on a white shirt that had black skinny letters that read "flawless" across your chest with black sweatpants. You throw your hair into a messy bun and put your fuzzy slippers on.

You grab your phone and walk into the hallway. You see Justin walking out of his room at the same time you did.

You both reach the steps at the same time. He looks into your eyes and you can see that same look he gave you last night when he challenged you to play flappy bird. You get the memo and bolt down the steps as Justin follows behind. He jumps over a coach as you jump on a table and roll over another. He jumps over the table and beats you to the kitchen.

"Hate you Justin," you say breathing heavily. "Nice try but you can't beat me. Good ninja work though," he says raising his hand up for a high five. You roll your eyes before high fiving him. He laughs and suddenly stops.

You turn to see Mat sitting on one of the stools. You instantly are reminded of the night your friendship broke with Mat because of Justin.

Mat got up and walked out. He passed you without neither of you looking at each other. He walked out the kitchen leaving you. Your lips curled to the side and Justin seems to notice.

"You okay?"

You look at him. "Yeah I'm fine," you walk over to a stool and sit down, Justin walks to the fridge.

"So what do you want to eat?" He ask.

"I don't really care whatever you eat."

"Since it 1:00, I'll just make spaghetti if that's okay."

"Okay I'll help you," you say getting up.

"No I got this, you're the guess," he says pulling out a chair and pushing down to sit.

"If you don't let me help you, I will choke you," you threaten. Justin puts his hands up in defense and you smile.

"First, put a shirt on."

"No," he firmly says.

"Come on Justin put a shirt on!"


"Okay don't get mad when everything sizzles on you chest," you say. He shrugs and gives you this look before walking to the cabinets. He grabs the ingredients and sets it on the counter.

You make the meatballs as he makes the spaghetti. Justin adds the onions to the spaghetti as you add the final touches to the meatballs. The meatballs sizzle on you. You squeal and Justin just laughs at you.

"It's not funny that hurt!" While Justin laughs uncontrollably, the meatballs soon sizzle on him and he stops laughing. He jumps and curses under his breath. You begin to laugh at him and he squints his eyes as you.

You soon begin to laugh a little too hard and fall on the floor with sauce in your hands. The sauce splatters around the floor. Justin joins you in laughter and grabs your arm to help you up.

"I'll clean that up soon," you say still laughing.

"Don't even worry about it, I got it." Justin says. You give the "I'm doing it whether you like it or not look." He sighs and you smile.

You finish the meatballs and clean up the sauce you spilled on the floor. Justin sets the food on the dinning room table. You call India, Trevor, and Jones to come eat. You walk into Mat's room and simply tell him "the food is ready." He looks at you and you walk back downstairs.

Everyone sits at the table and Mat ends up sitting next to you. You all soon finish eating and Justin cleans up everyone's mess. You begin to help him but he gives you a "sit down and listen to me this time," look. You hand him your plate and thank him followed by everyone else except Mat. Justin smiles and walks into the kitchen.

"That's was so good!" Trevor says.

"Justin made the spaghetti and I made the meatballs."

"Awww," India says and Mat gives her an angry look. She looks at him in a confused matter and Justin returns to the table.

"You guys wanna watch TV?" Justin ask.

"Sure lets go," you say breaking the tension between India and Mat. Everyone follow Justin into the living room and changes it to Spongebob. You softly chuckle at his choice and watch Spongebob annoy Squidward.

"Why are we watching this." Mat asks.

"Because we want to," you reply.

"Damn Mat what happened to your eye!" Trevor says. Oh now he notices. This happened two days ago. Justin's black eye doesn't show that much. If you really stared at it, you would notice. Trevor reaches out for Mat's eye but he quickly grabs it and throws it to the side. He gets up from the couch and walks upstairs.

"The hell is wrong with him," Jonas ask. You and Justin sit quietly and watch Spongebob and Patrick cry about Spongebob's toy Patrick supposedly broke.

I know it's short but I'm gonna post a longer one tomorrow. I'm gonna help my cousin with her homework now.

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