Nobody's P.O.V
Later That Night:
You and Justin were just chilling in his room while eating grapes.
"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now, how long have you known Mat?" Justin ask.
"Since elementary school," you reply.
"Oh that explains it," Justin says feeding himself a grape.
"Explains what?"
"Why he's so protective of you."
"True," you shrug.
"You think maybe it's cause he has a crush on you?" Justin ask.
"I don't think so. Mat is like, well was like a brother to me he just wants what's best for me," you say taking a grape from the bowl.
"What do you mean was?" He ask.
"Ever since I came here he's just been rude and I don't know, not the same," you say disappointedly.
"I don't think he likes me," Justin says.
"Well obviously!" You say laughing at his conspicuous remark.
"Just saying," he joins you in laughter.
You guys resume talking to each other about your lives while enjoying grapes.
You walk downstairs to meet Justin for the concert. You were wearing a white shirt that had a picture of a kitten on it with black leggings and brown boots. Justin had on a red sweater with black low crotch pants. He always wears those kind of pants, you thought. Justin greeted you with a warming smile.
"Beautiful as always," he says.
"You're also always so handsome as always," you say smiling and he finally blushes.
"Aight, less go," Justin says. Justin, me, and Fredo walk to the black SUV driven by Kenny. Paul was in the passenger seat. We all walked into the car, claiming our seats.
"Ready for your last day?" Justin says.
"Yeah. I don't wanna leave though," you say showing feelings of melancholy.
"I don't want you to leave either. What am I suppose to do with my life when you're gone?"
"The same thing you were doing when I wasn't in your life. You'll find something better to do. Wasting your time on me wasn't fun at all."
"It's not wasting time if your enjoy it," he says and you smile.
"Are y'all in love or something?" Fredo says.
"No we're just best friends," you respond with a smiling, looking at Justin. He smiles back. You guys really were best friends. It's only been four days and you've already talked to him about part of your life and he's talked to you about his.
That conversation really did make you and Justin's friendship stronger. Maybe giving him a chance and letting him more into your life was a good thing.
You guys pull up to the arena and you all walk out. You all are invaded by paparazzi who obviously doesn't know what personal space is. Justin grabs your hand for comfort while Fredo walks with Paul following behind you.
Kenny walked in the front guiding you guys.
Your P.O.V
The paparazzi are all in my face asking questions, and blinding me with the flashes. "Y/n Y/n are you Justin's new girlfriend?!" "Cool shirt Y/n." "You're ugly anyways, you would never be Justin's girlfriend."

One Life
FanfictionFour days. That's all it took for Justin Bieber to start falling for new 18 year old popstar y/f/n(your full name). She never knew if she could fall again after her last boyfriend. She liked Justin ever since she was a little girl but is unsure if h...