Chapter 26 ~Dancing With My Love~

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Watch video before you read.

& before you read search Beyoncé WilldaBeast Adams Upgrade U so while reading the chapter won't be confused.

Songs For Chapter:

Beyonce- Upgrade U

John Legend- Ordinary People

Nobody's P.O.V

Justin opens the passenger door rental for you and you step out. He closes the door behind you and takes your hand. You both walk towards the double doors of the studio. Justin opens the door for you then follows behind. You claim your middle spot on the floor after placing your bag in the corner.

"Hey Y/n!" Someone abruptly says giving you a hug. You turn around looking at the person face.

"Oh hey Carter," you say hugging him by his waist placing your head on his chest.

"I missed you!"

"You seen me yesterday," you say pulling out of the hug.

"Wassup Justin," Carter says doing the bro shake with Justin.

"Sup," Justin replies with a smile.

"Y/n!" You turn around looking towards the direction of where you heard the voice. It's was your dancer JoJo.

"What's up?"

"Check out this new dance move we came up with for 'Upgrade U," she says. JoJo Judah, Carter and Dana go into a tri position in front of you. Carter walks to the DJ set and plugs his iPod into the stereo. Once the beat drops they begin to pop and lock to the beat.

You watch in admiration as they give the song their all, with attitude. The girls whip their hair back and forth while moving their hips. Judah and Carter show just as much attitude as the girls are showing. As you're enjoying the movement, they stop dancing.

"That's all for now," Carter says.

"YASSSSS!!! Kill em!!" You scream at your dancers while clapping. "That was great you guys! I love the new routine good job!!"

"Wooooo!!!" Justin screams in the back with my other dancers.

"Thanks, you guys ready to learn the dance?" Carter says to the other dancers and you.

"Let's go!" We all reply. Carter easily teaches us the moves step by step and we all catch up on it quickly giving it our all.


Your P.O.V

"Great rehearsal guys," I say to my dancers. I grab my water bottle twisting the cap. I gulp most of it down and put it into my bag. I put my sweater in my bag and pick it up. I turn around and see Justin messing around with the music on my iPhone plugged into the stereo.

"What are you doing," I say walking over to Justin.

"You have dope music. Considering the fact that almost half of them are mine," he giggles. I embarrassingly begin to blush.

"It's okay baby don't be embarrassed, it's cute," he reminds before walking to me giving me a hug. He kisses my forehead then he goes back to my phone. He scrolls down my music and clicks "Ordinary People" by John Legend.

"Especially this one. One of my favorite songs of all time," Justin says.

"Me too. I love John Legend."

"Girl I'm in love with you," Justin sings pointing to me. "This ain't no honeymoon, past the infatuation phase." Justin takes me by the waist pulling me closer to him. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

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