Chapter 69 ~Be Back Before Midnight~

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Lol 😏 chapter 69. I didn't write what you thinkin thoo lol.

Songs For Chapter:(Kinda Random but vote prettyy please :D one of my New Year Resolutions is to get 100 votes on at least one my chapters.)

Ariana Grande- Only 1

Ariana Grande- Boyfriend Material

Ariana Grande- Be My Baby

Nobody's P.O.V

You step inside of you and Justin's bedroom and plop on the bed. Justin was about to leave soon and you were about to call up Ariana. You find her contact and click it. As the phone rings you look for ways to distract yourself. You smile once you see Justin's skateboard on his closet door.

You step off the bed and lay the skateboard on the floor. "Hello?" You hear on the other line. "Hey Ariel what's up?" You smile as you slowly "skateboard" across the room, whatever you wanna call it. You were basically treating it like it was a scooter and holding on to everything.

"Oh hey Y/n nothing really what about you?" "Tryna do something productive with my life by skateboarding across this room." "Oh you know how to skateboard now? You're not falling or scraping your knees anymore?" She laughs and you join along with her. "Nahh, it's Justin's." You say and the line goes silent.

"Oh you guys made up?" "Oh yeah we made up this morning," you say finally letting go of the wall. "Shoot," you mumble as you lose you balance and quickly step off the skateboard letting it roll towards the door.

"Awww I'm happy for youu. Did he hit?" "Arianaa!" I say covering my face and she laughs aloud. "I'm just asking. Did he?" "Maybe," you chuckle. "Oooo girl," she laughs and you join.

"Are you busy today?" "No not really, I just have to clean some stuff up. Why?" "Cause, Justin's going out with his friends and I'm gonna be bored alone." "Oh then you can come to my house and help me clean," she says all happy. "Urrmmmn I don't know about that."

"Oh come on pleaseee? We can go swimming after." "Fine. I'll be there," you say annoyed. "Yay, I love youu." "Love you too. See you later." "Aight but be prepared cause I'm gonna look like a straight up bum," she says.

"Girl I don't care how you look around me," I say and she laughs. "Okay see you soon boo." "Bye," you say and she hangs up.

You throw your phone beside you and relax on the bed. Finally, your mind is free of everything. You're not stressed, and not worried about nothing. Speaking of peace.

"Babe have you seen my skateboard?" You hear Justin asks walking into the room. You slowly open your eyes and look up at him. "No I just moved here," you answer. "Truee. But maybe you seen it lying around some-, oh shit." He says before you see his body fly followed by a loud bang.

"Justin!" You say quickly getting up. You see Justin laying on the floor and his skateboard rolling towards the bathroom door.

You can't help but hold your hand over your mouth to keep you from laughing. It's just funny when people fall including yourself when it's not painful.

He's wearing a white t-shirt with a gray sweater covering it, black jeans followed by gray and white vans and a gray beanie which just fell off.

"Are you okay love?" You say walking over to him helping him up and he groans. "Who put the skateboard there?" He asks annoyed. "You did idiot." "I didn't do anything. I mean I don't remember putting it there," he says scratching his light brown hair. The room goes silent for a while as you think.

"Oh yeahhhh, I was trying to skateboard across the room but I couldn't so I left it there. I'm sorry babe," you say.

"It's cool, just be more careful where you put things," he says grabbing his skateboard and his beanie.

"Anyways who were you talking to saying I love you and shit," Justin says looking into your eyes. "Oh Ariana," you reply. "Oh you're going out tonight?" "No I'm just going over to her house."

"That's still going out Y/n," he chuckles and you playfully roll your eyes. "Yes Justin I'm going somewhere tonight." "Okay well don't stay out too late. Anyways, I'm bout to leave now I'll be home before midnight," he says pecking your lips.

"Love you," he says placing his beanie back on. "Love you too. Be safe okay?" "No promises," he says walking out the room. "Justin," you frown and he stops in his track. "I won't do anything that stupid I promise I'll be fine okay?" He says stepping closer to you and you sign.

"Pinky promise?" You ask. He locks his pinky with yours and chuckles.

"You're so cute," he says smiling. He kisses your forehead before walking out. "Bye baby cakes," he says before he opens the front door.

"Bye," you yell from upstairs before the front door closed shut.

You sigh before walking into the closet to look for an outfit to wear.

You decide on a black furry sweater and some blue jeans. You let your wavy hair loose from your messy bun and brush it out. You smile at yourself in the mirror and nod in approval.

You actually feel pretty. You grab your pink bathing suit from the closet before walking out of the room. You tightly grip onto the railing and carefully walk downstairs. Your knees still hurts so it takes you a while to get down.

Once you reach the bottom step, you search for Justin's spare house key. You find it on the kitchen counter and you grab it. You slide on your black boots and grab your tan purse and the keys to your black Ferrari. You exit the front door locking it. You walk over to your car and open the drivers door. You step in before sliding your sunglasses on and pulling out of the driveway.
Should I kik my crush •Click• or nahh?? I'm shy thoo 😁💁

Was gonna write more but I'll just make it 2 different chapters or it'll be too long & I'll never post it cause sometimes I'm lazy.

Don't forget to vote guys I take away my sleepy time to write these chapters for you :(. I don't write in the day cause I never think of anything so I usually write it at night and stay up till 5am and post it in the morning. & thanks to those who've always been voting y'all the real MVP ! 🙌🙌👏👏💅💆💁

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