Chapter 29 ~Him~

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Songs For Chapter:

Selena Gomez- I Love You Like a Love Song

Ariana Grande- Baby I

One Direction- Happily

Justin Bieber- I Would

Beyoncé- Countdown

Your P.O.V

Next Morning:

"Stop banging on my door!" I yell as my sister forcefully bangs on my door.

"I got presents for you though so I'm walking in," she says barging in. I open my eyes to see the "presents" my sister has for me. My eyes widen as her entire body is hidden behind a big brown bear, along with a plethora of roses in a vase. The vase contained white roses pink roses and red roses. I jump up walking towards my sister.

"Where did you get these?!" I say with a grin.

"Read the note," she says placing everything on my bed but the vase. She takes the note out handing it to me.

"Happy Valentines Day beautiful, this all for you but this isn't all that I'm capable of. Be on a look out for more :) -Justin".

"He's so adorable!" My sister tells me. I smile at the note setting it down on the nightstand. I grab my phone entering my password. I scroll down my messages till I see "Babe" and I hit his name.

"I got your gift, thanks baby, I love you!!" I say with an abundant amount of heart emojis. I wait a while till he texts back.

"Anytime baby, I'm not finished yet, ;)"  he texts.

I smile at the text setting my phone down on my bed. I grab the bear placing it next to the white one Justin gave me when he asks me to be his valentine.

I arrange the vase on the nightstand with the note sticking out. I skip to the bathroom and wash up. By the time I'm finished, I walk over to the nightstand grabbing my phone then I walk down the stairs.

Once I reach the kitchen, I'm astounded by the food on the table. There were heart shaped pancakes, strawberries with chocolate. There were also eggs, bacon, sausages along with coffee.

"Aww mommy did you cook this for us?" I ask her.

"No somebody sent it for you, I didn't read the card yet. They sent just enough for everyone in the house," she responds handing me the card.

"Still not done :) -Justin" . I begin to laugh at the amount of love Justin is showing me today.

"What's so funny? Who sent it," my mom asks.

"Justin," I smile. I watch as my dads facial expression shifts drastically at his name. I pretend not to notice because I honestly don't care if my dad likes Justin or not.

I text Justin a quick text explaining that he's a wonderful boyfriend and that I appreciate this preparation of breakfast.

I grab a plate and begin to enjoy the breakfast. I hear my dad mumble something to himself and I look up.

"What?" I ask him. He glares at me then walks away. What is his problem?Why is he always doing this when someone mentions Justin's name? Before I realize what I'm doing, I stand up.

"Why do you hate him so much when you don't even know him?" I blurt out before I can catch the words falling out of my mouth. He turns around looking at me with his red eyes.

"Just explain to me why because he's not what you think he is. Can you not tell by everything he sent me so far? I say pointing at the breakfast. "So please explain to me why dad?"

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