Chapter 24 ~I Gotta Go~

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Songs For Chapter:

Justin Bieber- One Life

Celeste Buckingham- Run Run Run

John Newman- Love Me Again

Nobody's P.O.V


You wake up snuggled into Justin's shirtless chest as his hand rest on your waist. His lips were slightly parted as he snored peacefully. You lightly giggle as you see drool running down the corner of his mouth. You reach up and wipe it off trying not to wake him. He flinches a little and opens his eyes. He closes his eyes again and moves a little.

"Y/n?" He whispers.

"I'm here," you say and lay your head back on his chest. He licks his lips and falls back asleep snoring once again. You try to get out of his grip without waking him up again but you don't succeed. Thankfully, Justin moves and releases some of his grip. You get up and walk to the bathroom closing the door to pee.

You wipe and flush and look into the mirror. You stare down at the ring admiring every detail about it. Can't believe Justin is mine after all these years of being a belieber. Now I'm finally the girlfriend of the man I loved as an artist for years.

You stare into the mirror looking at your groggily face. You wash your hands and face then grab the listerine Justin put in his apartment bathroom. You shake for about two minutes and spit. You look at the oversized shirt that was placed on your body that came above knee length. You fix your hair into a ponytail and walk out of the bathroom.

"Oh hey I thought you left me," Justin says sitting up on bed.

"No I wouldn't leave without waking you up first," you say sitting on the bed.

"Going somewhere?" He asks.

"Yeah I have to go home before my parents start blowing up my phone."

"No baby stay with me," he pouts crawling over to your side hovering you as he starts kissing your neck.

"No Justin I have to go," you say laughing at his assaults.

"But I know you'd rather stay," he says still assaulting you. You tilt your neck to give him more space.

"I do want to but I can't."

"Yeah you can."

"No Justin I really can't," you say lightly pushing him away.

"Just 30 more minutes please?"



"No I have to go."

"Then just 15 minutes you can go after," Justin says. You sigh giving in.

"You're gonna make me get in trouble."

"But it'll be worth it," he says smiling. He leans in and kisses your lips passionately. They moved in sync creating a smacking sound. He moves to your ear and starts nibbling your ear lobe making you laugh. He moves down to your neck assaulting it with kisses again. You soon feel his warm tongue gliding against your neck causing you to moan. Justin manages to find your sweet spot and he gently bites on it.

"Justin..." you say in a whisper.

"Mmmm," he replies still biting.

"I have to go."

"You said 15 minutes it's been less than 5."

"Yes but Justin I have to leave now."

"Babe come on just give me 10 more minutes," he says sliding his shirt off your body. By the time he gets it off, your phone rings. The caller ID read "Mom".

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