Songs For Chapter:
Justin Bieber: All Bad
Nicki Minaj- Pills n' Potions
Justin Timberlake- What Goes Around (Comes All The Way Back Around)
Your P.O.V
"Great rehearsal guys!" I say walking out of the dance studio. I walk over to my bag grabbing my water. I drink half of it then put it back in my bag. I grab my phone from one of the pockets checking it.
Justin still didn't text or call me back. I wonder what he's doing but I have to admit I'm worried. This isn't normal Justin behavior.
He usually sees my calls or texts and doesn't take this long to respond.
"Y/n," I hear someone say interrupting my thoughts. I turn around to the direction of the voice and see my dancer Judah walking towards me.
"Hey Judah wassup?" I ask with a smile. "Carter wanted me to tell you that there's rehearsal tomorrow at 2:00." "Oh okay thanks." "Alright have a nice day," he says patting my arm then running away to wherever.
I pick up my bag starting towards the door. "Bye Y/n," I hear everyone say. "Bye," I wave with a huge smile. I walk towards my car opening the drivers seat.
I place my bag in the passenger seat and start the car. I should call Justin but be probably won't answer.
Justin's P.O.V
"Stop," I say pulling away from the kiss causing our lips to make a smacking noise. I was breathing heavily looking down with my eyes closed in great remorse. She picks my chin up and kisses me again.
My hands were on her shoulders so I pushed her away "What's wrong baby?" Chantel asks me with only under garment on. "Don't call me that," I say angry. I was angry at Chantel but mostly with myself.
I was mad at Fredo and Lil Twist for leaving with that girl. They could've sat in a seat then Chantel wouldn't of had enough space to fit in the car. "Justin," she says as if she's my girlfriend.
I push her harder causing her to fall back on the chair. I get up and angrily run my fingers through my hair while pacing back and forth.
"What the hell Justin?!" The pest screams. "Shut up," I say thinking long and hard. "Don't act like you didn't like it," she says sitting back on the couch with her legs spread open. No I didn't like it, I hated it, and what's worse is that I'm going to lose Y/n.
This can't happen to me. "Baby come on," she says getting up from the couch slowly descending her hands into my draws. "Stop!" I say pushing her away. "Im not your babe," I scream. It was silent for a while.
"You screwed up didn't you," she smirks. I look at her with angry eyes causing her to smile. "You really did. If you loved her you wouldn't have had sex with me and you wouldn't have went along with it. She's not gonna want you anymore Justin. You guys are over."
That's not true. I do love her. I don't even know what just happened. She has to still want me after this, if she doesn't I don't know what I'm going to do.
"Might as well finish what we've started," she says wrapping her hands around my neck.
"Get the hell off me," I say pulling her hands away from me. "Justin," she whines. "Get the hell out of my damn house!" She looks at me as if I'm speaking a different language. Um excuse me hoe did you not hear me the first time?
"I said get the hell out of my house!" I repeat giving her the death glare. She looks at me angrily flaring her nostrils. "Where the hell am I suppose to go?" She screams. "Far away from my damn house! You have 10 seconds!"
"How am I suppose to get home?!" She screams. "Figure it out! 10," I begin and she still doesn't move. "9," I scream. She angrily stomps over to her dress putting it back over her head. "8," I say.
I just noticed that she changed into a dress because at the party she was wearing a tank top and leggings. Where the hell did her clothes go if she "didn't have a ride?" She knew this was going to happen.
She's do damn evil! "7," I say pissed off even more. She grabs her jacket pulling it back over her. "6,5,4," I say signaling her to hurry up.
She grabs her heels in her hand and stomps out the front door in which I was holding. She attempts to slam the door but my force was still on the door so she failed.
I laugh at her stupidity and anger. I close the door and lock it. I walk upstairs to my bedroom slamming my body on the bed. I'm a moronic excuse of a homo sapient for cheating on Y/n.
I deserve to be scorned. I feel disgusted so I walk over to the bathroom and take a shower.
After an hour I walk out putting nothing but my draws on. I despise myself right now. Maybe I should call her now? No, I don't know what to say.
I need to figure out how I'm going to tell her without crushing her delicate petite soul. I'm truly in love with her and hopefully she loves me enough to stay with me.
Wattpad: BizzlesCherie

One Life
FanfictionFour days. That's all it took for Justin Bieber to start falling for new 18 year old popstar y/f/n(your full name). She never knew if she could fall again after her last boyfriend. She liked Justin ever since she was a little girl but is unsure if h...