Chapter 63 ~It's About to Go Down~

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Songs For Chapter:

Ariana Grande- Love Me Harder

Nick Jonas- Jealous

Taylor Swift- Trouble

Justin Bieber- Playtime

Nick Jonas- Numb

Justin's P.O.V

I pull up to a red light and glance over at Y/n as she looks down at her phone. She locks it before looking out at the raindrops tapping on her window. "Are you still mad at me?" I ask Y/n as she rests her arm on the door.

She stays silent but I already know the answer. The light turns green and I finally go. "I said I'm sorry."

"I just don't like when people talk about my makeup," she mumbles. "And I don't like the fact that you think I only love you for your makeup, it offends me."

"Well sorry. I wasn't trying to." "It's fine. I won't say anything about your makeup from now on, okay?" "Promise?" She says and I nod. "Okay," she blatantly says. "Y/n?" I say waiting for her to tell me what I wanna hear. She sighs.

"I'll try not to offend you with my insecurities anymore. Promise." "That's better. You really shouldn't be insecure. You're so sexy." "Stop," she chuckles.

"I'm serious, you're perfect to me. I swear if anyone tries to take you from me I'll fight em," I say and she smiles looking down. "You too," she says causing me to smile. "Y/n!" I fake gasp.

"You fighting? Especially for me?" I say placing a hand over my chest. "Shut up. Only cause I love you idiot," she says looking into my eyes. "Love you too baby girl."

I grab her petite hand before planting a soft kiss on it and circling the area that I kissed with my thumb.

We arrive at Ariana's driveway and I see that it's already packed with cars but I manage to find another parking next to Fredo's car. I can tell its Fredo's because I see an unused condom on the passengers side.

I turn the engine off before running over to Y/n's side to open her door. She pulls down the mirror before applying more red lipstick on.

"You look fine babe," I say. She opens her mouth to say something ignorant about how she looks but suddenly remembers what she promised and shuts her mouth. "Thanks," she says putting it away before pulling the mirror up and taking my hand.

I proudly smile at her and she smiles back. She'll go from insecure to confident real quick.

I ring the doorbell and seconds later Ariana comes running to the door. "Justin!" She screams hugging me. "Hey how's it goin," I say hugging her back.

"Good! Thanks for coming." "No problem." "Hey Y/n it's been a while since I've seen you! How've you been?" "I've been good! How about you?" "Perfect! I'm so glad you moved here cause now I don't have to worry about not having any girlfriends to start with here. Come in guys! Don't stand out there," she says pulling us both in.

"Babe, I'll be back. I'm gonna be with Fredo okay?" I say kissing her temple. "Okay," she smiles as I walk away.

Your P.O.V

"We have so much to catch up on! How's Mat?" "He's good. We're still really close," I smile. "Well I'd hope so. You guys are always there for each other. He barely texts me anymore and I don't want him to get the wrong impression that I'm flirting with him by texting first. But I don't think my boyfriend would like it anyways."

"You gotta boyfriend! Who?" I excitedly say. She giggles and begins to point. "Oh come on just say it," I say looking in the direct she's pointing.

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