Chapter 65 ~I Already Knew~

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Songs For Chapter:

Ariana Grande- Honeymoon Avenue

Justin Bieber- Take You (Random)

Justin Bieber- One Love

Sam Smith- Nirvana

Your P.O.V

I awaken from my slumber and feel if Justin was beside me. I turn around and flutter my eyes open but soon regret it. My whole body hurts and I don't know why. My head is throbbing and I can't help but bring my hands up to my head and groan in pain. I don't even see Justin.

"Justin!" I cry in anguish. Wherever the hell he is. I shouldn't of yelled because it caused more pain to my head. This hangover is unreal.

I can't take this anymore. I roll off the bed and onto the floor hoping that the floor would make it better but it didn't. It made it worse.

I hear footsteps charging up the steps and into the bedroom. "Y/n?" Justin says worried looking for me around the room. "I'm over here," I mumble but he hears me anyway. He walks over to my side and sighs. "Well baby why are you on the floor?" He asks squatting by my side rubbing my tummy. "I'm in pain," I mumble.

"What's wrong?" "Everything hurts." He sighs. "Come on," he says and I try to get up but I can't. He picks me up bridal style onto the bed. "What hurts?" He asks rubbing my head. "My head, my neck, my arms, my sides, my legs, my back, my shoulder, and my knees."

"Damn. Did you take a Tylenol?" "No, didn't you just see me laying on the floor unable to get up?" I rudely say. "Y/n I'm trying to help you please stop giving me attitude," he says rolling his eyes annoyed. "I'm sorry I'm just in pain." "Yeah I get that. I'm gonna go get you a Tylenol and water." "Thanks baby." "Mmhmm."

After a few seconds Justin comes back with water and the Tylenol. I sit up and take the Tylenol and use the water to wash it down.

"Do you remember anything that happened last night?" Justin asks me a couple seconds later. Oh shoot, I still never told him about Lance. I have to. "No not really. I remember playing the game but nothing after that." "So you don't remember me-" "Wait Justin," I interrupt. "What?" I take a deep breath before speaking.

"Do you remember that day when you asked me if I slept with anyone after you told me about Chantel?" "Yeah, what about it," he asks.

I have to tell him. We been in a relationship for too long and I can't keep this lie in anymore. I have to tell him before it hurts us and I don't want to be the reason why we break up or have a weak relationship with no trust.

I don't wanna see the look on his face when he figures out that I lied to him. "I actually did," I mumble. "Sorry what?" Justin says acting like he didn't hear me and I sigh. "His name is Lance and I seen him yesterday. He's the one you were giving the dirty look to. I'm sorry I lied to you Justin," I say and he just stays silence. I don't even wanna look at him, he probably hates me.

"I didn't tell you cause I didn't wanna break your heart but I shouldn't of lied to you cause that made it worse," I finish.

Justin suddenly starts chuckling and I look at him confused as hell. "Why are you laughing?" "Because," he says still laughing. "Cause what." "Cause I love you Y/n." "Yeah Justin I love you too." "No, I really love you, you don't understand," he says finish laughing.

"Why?" "Well because your beautiful and I love everything about you but that's not the only reason why I'm saying it right now."

"I don't understand how it's funny that I've been lying to you this whole time." "Cause babygirl I already knew," he says grabbing my hand.

Oh shoot, how'd he figure out? And why is he laughing if he didn't figure it out by me.

"How'd you figure it out?" I mumble. "Last night," he says nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. Damn! I might've said it to him when I was drunk or maybe Lance came up with a devious plan to make Justin figure out. Wait! He did! Then me and Justin got in a fight.

"Oh shit. That's why my whole body hurts, I fell down the stairs and I fell on the concrete twice." "The hell? You did?" Justin curiously swears. "Yeah I did! Then I started crawling on the concrete and it hurt my knee." "Why would you-" Justin starts but I interrupt.

"Then I hurt my back. Then we got into a fight," I upsettingly say. "Oh so now you remember." "Yeah, wait so why aren't you still mad at me?"

"Because you weren't gonna keep it from me forever," he chuckles. "But I kept it from you for a good amount of time." "I know, but don't lie to me like that again alright?" "I'm sorry, I promise," I smile. "Good, now give daddy a kiss," he says and I just laugh and peck his lips.

"Mmm, you know I want more than that," he mumbles against my lips. I kiss him again and I allow him to add his tongue. He roughly pushes me back onto the bed and I giggle.
Yeah 😒✋ -__- I read what you sick bums want. I'll write it soon even though I don't wanna. I still love you guys :) ☺️💕💅 you guys are flawless.

#RememberwhenJustin found out Instagram added videos so he made his first one but couldn't stop laughing so everyone in the media thought he was high cause niggas was laughing mad hard for no reason 😂😂😂😂

#RememberwhenJustin Fell down the steps cause he decided that's what he wanted to do and got a bruise. Dumbass 😂😂😂

So I'm listening to music & my alarm song Me & My Broken Heart by Rixton started playing. Now 🎤I'm wide awake🎤
Nah nigga, I was but got tired again once I realized I didn't have to get up.

Be prepared for the long ass paragraph coming up.

Eh hem,

Thanks for the reads and votes, for adding this in your library's and reading list. I thought this book sucked and I was close to deleting it but you guys made me change my mind. I'm writing my high school application and I'm trying to perfect it cause I'm afraid it might not be perfect enough for the schools to accept me. I'm scared😩✋ lol I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with their families & friends!!!!
Anyways, guys I was reading the old chapters that you guys commented on and I'm just like, when Tf did I write this? Oh damn that happened?? Ayooo I forgot about that. And it's crazy cause I don't even remember what I write. So guys if I skip over something that's suppose to be coming up, it's cause I forgot. Remind me. I write some things in my notes to not forget important things. Enjoy your funday Sunday loveliesss💅😌💕❤️❤️ BYEE:)

In the process of writing this paragraph, I made like 5,000 typos and I swear the space key wasn't working 😒✋🌵 stupid bum.

Wattpad: BizzlesCherie
Should I give you guys my snapchat?? Mmm 👻

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