Chapter 68 ~Just Joking~

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Songs For Chapter: ( Don't forget to VOTEE :) HAPPY NEW YEARR!!

Justin Bieber- One Love

Justin Bieber- Swap it Out

Justin Bieber- One Life

Justin Bieber- All That Matters

Justin's P.O.V

I scrub on my breakfast plate with a sponge soon letting the water run on top of it and Y/n places another dish in the sink.

"Still can't believe you cheated," I say for the millionth time already. I make a disgusted look when syrup gets on my hand. "I didn't cheat. Stop being a baby and just wash the dishes," she laughs.

"You act like you never washed dishes before." "I'm just joking babe. Washing the dishes is the best thing to do out of all cleaning cause all you gotta do is run it under water and soap it."

"It's not that easy," she tells me. I finish then turn around and look at her. My eyes trail down to her kissable lips as they slowly part followed by words. I can hear her sexy voice ringing through my ears as she continues her rant on how washing dishes aren't easy.

Her lazy outfit is sexy as well. I love when she just throws her hair in a messy bun and how her tank top and sweatpants perfectly hug her body showing off all her curves. She is so beautiful.

She doesn't realize how lucky I am to have someone as amazing, talented, wonderful, and as beautiful as her in my life to be the sunshine in the rain.

"Justin." I hear someone interrupting my thoughts. My eyes trail back up to her eyes and stay locked onto hers. "Were you even listening to me?" "Of course I was baby." "Then what's the last thing I said?" She says placing her hands on her hips. "You were like washing dishes aren't easy," I cover up. "Justin," she frowns. She hates it when people don't listen to her while she speaks.

"I'm sorry babe I just got distracted by your body. You're just so fucking sexy and I can't help myself," I say. I bite my lip while staring at her beautiful pearly white smile.

"Can I finish now?" She pleads "Go ahead sunshine," I say wrapping my arm around her leading us to the living room and she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Anyways, sometimes you gotta scrub the pots and pans," she says pretending she had pots and pans to scrub.

"Sometimes all the dishes make the sink dirty and if you wash the dishes too much your hands start to get all dry and crack.

"We don't want that to happen do we?" I say looking down at her. "No, that's why I don't wanna wash the dishes all the time." "Tell you what," I say placing her on my lap as I take a seat on the couch.

"What?" "Every day we switch off washing the dishes okay? It's like we take turns," I tell her and she giggles. "That'll work for me," she says. "Is that all?" I ask moving in close.

"And you have to clean the bathrooms and vacuum and stuff like that every other Saturday. We can switch off each week." "Mmmhmm yeah okay," I say not really taking in her words. I kiss her lips and she soon pulls away. "Are you even listening to me?" "I'm always listening to you babe," I say kissing her lips again.

"Then what did I say," she says pulling away again and I sigh. "Something about cleaning on Saturday. Wait, every Saturday?" "Every other Saturday," she corrects.

"Ugh, fine," I say and she giggles before kissing me. I turn my head sideways and add my tongue to deepen the kiss. She straddles me and I lean back with her. I fondle her butt and she cups my face.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket but I ignore it. After a while I get a call and Y/n stops and I sigh.

"Hello?" I annoyingly answer. "Bizzle you still comin tonight?" Za says on the other line. "Uhhh, damn bro, I don't know." "Come on bro you already said you was coming so you might as well not back out." "Aight I'll be there." I look over at Y/n and see her frowning. "Aight deuces." He says and I hang up.

"Who was that?" "Za, we're goin out today." "So you're just gonna leave me here." "I'll be back before you go to bed alright?" "But it's only 2:30," she says and I sigh.

"Fine, I'll leave at 6. They're barely gonna do anything this early anyway beside skateboarding," I say rubbing my face. She smiles and gets off my lap and stretches. I hear her back crack and she hisses.

"Ooohhh my back hurts," she says laying her hands on her lower back. "You okay? Want me to massage your back?" I ask concerned. "Yeah," she says smiling and biting her lip. "Aight lay down," I command and she does so. I sit on my knees next to her and begin rubbing her shoulders.

"Where does it hurt?" I ask. "The bottom," she says pointing to where it hurts and I begin to massage her lower back. Time flies by and I assume Y/n feels better but just to make sure I ask her.

"Feeling better?" "Yeah much better thanks Justin," she smiles. "No problem." I say helping her up. "Wait now I gotta return the favor."

"You really don't have to I'm feeling fine especially after this morning," I smirk. "You seem tense, lie down," she continues on basically ignoring what I just said. "No I'm fine really I'm-, alright whatever," I say lying down.

"Now was that so hard? You mad difficult," she says massaging my shoulders first. "Me? Difficult? You're the one difficult making me get down and shit." "Oh so you don't like my massages?" She says stopping.

"No baby I love your massages. They're the best." "Well you don't seem to appreciate them," she says crossing her arms. "I appreciate everything you do for me my love," I say grabbing her hand.

"I'm just joking babe," she says. "Good cause I never want you to feel unappreciated," I say wrapping my arm around her. "I never feel unappreciated when it comes to you," she says looking into my eyes.

"You shouldn't. If there's anytime you feel unappreciated by me let me know. Cause I can be a real dick sometimes without knowing. Okay?" I say and she nods. "Don't be afraid to tell me cause I know how you are."

"I'm not. I'll tell you," she shrugs. "Good," I say kissing her forehead and the room goes silent. "Can I finish your massage now?" "Oh yeah. It was feelin' good so far."

"Are you lying to me?" "Never baby," I say and she straddles my back again. I gotta admit, not only do her massages feel good but I love when she straddles me.


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